Title: Give You Everything I’ve Got
Summary: Things don’t always go smoothly.
Verse: Supernatural
Fandom: Frayed 'verse. Other fics are
Characters: Sam, Dean
Rating: PG-13 for swearing and Hell trauma
Wordcount: 4155
Thank you to my awesome beta
tarotgal for reading through this and offering wise words of wisdom.
Fic here. )
*The way Dean and Sam whisper and Dean makes him understand. I love that whole scene. I love Sam desperately trying to understand and Sam FINALLY getting there with Dean's help. Their hands. Dean's hand on Sam's neck. Sam shivering. The whispers. Sam trying to soothe himself. The shame over Adam. The fact about the Beatles (YAY for inside joke in Frayed 'verse!).
*I think I said this before, but I love that Dean carries both their IDs and thinks to show it to the cops.
*This bit. SO MUCH this bit "because who else would willingly take a panicked, sniffly, clearly not-all-there, six-foot-four guy home?"
*Dean putting his socks on Sam's feet so he'll survive the short walk home.
*Dean's entire "You gotta understand something" paragraph. Amazing. Love every single word. I've read it, like, 10 times now.
*Sam's line about getting confused and not meaning to make Dean mad. Awwwwwwwwwww! *snuggles Sammy*
*This whole scene is incredible. Honesty, frustration, love, identity, actually talking to each other about Sam's mental health, and Sam being safe with Dean... yeah. This whole scene was amazing. It's like you knew it had to happen when you started the fic. I'm so glad you got there in the end, because it's an AMAZING ending, and a great addition to your universe.
Cheers, my dear! This is a wonderful fill!
Glad you liked the Beatles trivia. I was looking through my trivia masterlist, trying to find something that wasn't scary and wouldn't make Sam think of bad things, and I came across that one and just had to include it. :) It just felt very Dean to me, trying to make his brother smile and bring him back to Earth.
Onward, to the next fic! :D Or maybe those meme fills still sitting half-finished in my Dropbox...
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