1.) Who are you? Robine 2.) Are we friends? mais oui 3.) When and how did we meet? at the freshman semi, but really at spring track 4.) How have I affected you? you introduced me to the dresden dolls and have made me become (more so?) open minded 5.) What do you think of me? i think that you will go far in life 6.) What's the fondest memory you have of me? haha. well, there were those many time we ran from government center, and remember that pin in my camera bag? you probably don't. track, the bushes, mopping around. all that good stuff. 7.) How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? fo' eva' 8.) Do you love me? mhm! 9.) Have I ever hurt you? yes 10.) Would you hang out with me? no. you smell. 11.) Would you stay up all night with me and watch the stars? when are we going to do that? 12.) Would you kiss me? in a friendly sort of way. then you could give me a piggy-back. 13.) Would you do me? but the question is, why do we call you 'ho'? 14.) Would you hold my hand if I were upset? of course 15.) Are we close? yes 16.) Emotionally, what stands out? you appear to be confident, but you tend to be very insecure. you are like a turtle. 17.) Do you wish I was cooler? no 18.) On a scale of 1 - 10, how nice am I? 10 19.) Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. billy von turtle 20.) Am I lovable? yes. you're squishy. and i mean that in the most possitive way possible. 21.) How long have you known me? a year and a half 22.) Describe me in one word. hobagable 23.) What was your first impression? i think i thought you were good-looking? 24.) Do you still think that way about me? mhm. especially when you had the mullet thing going on? oh, that was hawtt. 25.) What annoys you about me? you can be arrogant and oblivious, but so can everyone 26.) What do you think my weakness is? failing at grammar? just kidding, you are good at grammar. um...your lonesomeness? 27.) What about me makes you happy? we can be totaly random and it can be the best time ever 28.) What about me makes you sad? um...last year maybe 29.) What reminds you of me? dresden dolls, boston 30.) What's something you would change about me? nothing 31.) How well do you know me? i'd say very well? 32.) Do you wish you knew me better, or are you content? content i think, but there is always more to learn 33.) Ever wanted to tell me something, but couldn't? no? 34.) Do you think I would commit a crime? nah, probably not unless it was petty 35.) What do you think I'll be when I grow up? a college professor or musical instructor. OMG GERRY D WAS IN MY DREAM LAST NIGHT. he wanted me and you to pull a prank on the seniors for the blow-up doll they left in the band room.
2.) Are we friends? mais oui
3.) When and how did we meet? at the freshman semi, but really at spring track
4.) How have I affected you? you introduced me to the dresden dolls and have made me become (more so?) open minded
5.) What do you think of me? i think that you will go far in life
6.) What's the fondest memory you have of me? haha. well, there were those many time we ran from government center, and remember that pin in my camera bag? you probably don't. track, the bushes, mopping around. all that good stuff.
7.) How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? fo' eva'
8.) Do you love me? mhm!
9.) Have I ever hurt you? yes
10.) Would you hang out with me? no. you smell.
11.) Would you stay up all night with me and watch the stars? when are we going to do that?
12.) Would you kiss me? in a friendly sort of way. then you could give me a piggy-back.
13.) Would you do me? but the question is, why do we call you 'ho'?
14.) Would you hold my hand if I were upset? of course
15.) Are we close? yes
16.) Emotionally, what stands out? you appear to be confident, but you tend to be very insecure. you are like a turtle.
17.) Do you wish I was cooler? no
18.) On a scale of 1 - 10, how nice am I? 10
19.) Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. billy von turtle
20.) Am I lovable? yes. you're squishy. and i mean that in the most possitive way possible.
21.) How long have you known me? a year and a half
22.) Describe me in one word. hobagable
23.) What was your first impression? i think i thought you were good-looking?
24.) Do you still think that way about me? mhm. especially when you had the mullet thing going on? oh, that was hawtt.
25.) What annoys you about me? you can be arrogant and oblivious, but so can everyone
26.) What do you think my weakness is? failing at grammar? just kidding, you are good at grammar. um...your lonesomeness?
27.) What about me makes you happy? we can be totaly random and it can be the best time ever
28.) What about me makes you sad? um...last year maybe
29.) What reminds you of me? dresden dolls, boston
30.) What's something you would change about me? nothing
31.) How well do you know me? i'd say very well?
32.) Do you wish you knew me better, or are you content? content i think, but there is always more to learn
33.) Ever wanted to tell me something, but couldn't? no?
34.) Do you think I would commit a crime? nah, probably not unless it was petty
35.) What do you think I'll be when I grow up? a college professor or musical instructor. OMG GERRY D WAS IN MY DREAM LAST NIGHT. he wanted me and you to pull a prank on the seniors for the blow-up doll they left in the band room.
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