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[call] wutaisrosegirl November 5 2010, 00:36:46 UTC


[voice] cowboy_newsie November 5 2010, 01:23:53 UTC


[voice] wutaisrosegirl November 5 2010, 01:36:42 UTC
Jack!! There you are! Are you okay?


[voice] cowboy_newsie November 5 2010, 01:38:55 UTC
I'm fine. Just got off me shift, the hospital's rakin' em in tonight. You?


[voice] wutaisrosegirl November 5 2010, 01:48:21 UTC
Got nearly knocked off a roof and about to head down to the lower sectors to see what I can help with, tryin' to catch up with everybody an' make sure they're okay.

How bad was it there?


[voice] cowboy_newsie November 5 2010, 01:51:06 UTC
Nothin'-- there's a lot, but nobody's too bad. Worst I've seen is a broken leg, and he'll be fine real soon. Watch it in sector four, there's a fire, I can see it from here.


[voice] wutaisrosegirl November 5 2010, 02:09:04 UTC
Fire? Jeeze...Problem with these things is people get hurt more in the after stuff then the actual quake...

You too, okay? If you can see it, you're more likely to have trouble with it then me.

Your place okay for the night? Stay proofed and everything?


[voice] cowboy_newsie November 5 2010, 02:13:01 UTC
We're fine. It's a block away, so unless it gets a hell o' a lot worse, we'll be fine. And there's a-- a coupla plates got broke, that's it, but the Darkness ain't gotten in.

[He pauses.]

Oye, before I-- listen, I gotta talk to you when thin's ain't so bad.


[voice] wutaisrosegirl November 5 2010, 02:17:30 UTC
Good. If it wasn't, you know you could come and crash at my place, right?


What's up, Jack? Somethin' wrong?


[voice] cowboy_newsie November 5 2010, 02:23:11 UTC
Yeah, I know. Same offer goes for you, you know.

And no, ain't nothin' wrong, I just-- I been thinkin' about a coupla thin's and I wanna run them by you.


[voice] wutaisrosegirl November 5 2010, 02:29:16 UTC
Course it does.

[Said as though she'd just drop in the window...which actually is possible.]

What kinds'a things?


[voice] cowboy_newsie November 5 2010, 02:31:17 UTC
Like . . . like who we used to know back in Edelweiss and who we know now.


[voice] wutaisrosegirl November 5 2010, 02:38:39 UTC

....Yeah. We can...Yeah. When do you wanna talk?


[voice] cowboy_newsie November 5 2010, 02:42:17 UTC
Whenever you can. Or I'll come over or-- you's livin' with Rin, right?

[He pauses, and then adds reluctantly:]



[voice] wutaisrosegirl November 5 2010, 02:49:06 UTC
No, actually, I got a place. People come over though it's-...It's nice. But I'm thinkin' a' askin' them to come and stay. It's quiet. I dunno what to do with quiet anymore. Not really.

[She pauses.]

Naw, it's okay. I just...I've been tryin' not to think about it, ya know? And then somethin' 'll happen and I'll worry and I'll get so scared and it's stupid cause that's not something....it's not something I do.


[voice] cowboy_newsie November 5 2010, 04:00:58 UTC
Yeah, I know. Seems like every time I put it from me mind somebody brin's it up.

You been okay? With-- I don't know, sleepin' and everythin'?


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