Jan 09, 2006 19:30
back to school! not a bad first day. randomly dumb. my first two classes are taught by classics profs and they were at a conference in montreal! random. then my intro to archaeology class was sweeeet. the prof is uber cool. said he smoked some hookah when he was doing some archaeological dig in istanbul. haaaa. awesome. he's kinda cute in a weird intelligent, young professorish way. hmm.
but now i'm bored. no homework...actually, i do have homework...i just don't have the books for it...eek. ah well. i listed seven books to sell on half.com today and i've already sold one! hoorah. i bet i won't sell the others. hmm.
books are so expensive this semester. i had to get 11 books just for 1 class...and then for my archaeology class i have to get this interactive cd which seems pretty cool for 70 bucks. eek.
our fridge stinks. ick.
yay i have like a 30 pack of ramen noodles. AWESOME.
so there's 3 of us that are on this diet...it's not really a diet, we're just eating healthier. well. healthy food really sucks. seriously. i heart pasta, cookies, candy, whatever. no more of that. good thing though. we're all looking out for what we each eat. so. that's super. la la la
i'm excited for my archery class on thursday. i'm afraid i'll shoot the teacher in the ass like in 10 things i hate about you. ooh. hehe.
brokeback mountain was a gooooooooooood movie. teared up at the end. oh man. two hot guys. heath ledger + jake gyllenhaal = oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!
woot. the movie was good in general...the man loving was a bonus. heh.
welllllllll i musht go play some nintendo...maybe i'll break out some DDR tonight. oooh.
p.s. the heat in our dorm is broken. it's like 25 degrees out. IT'S FREEZING IN HERE. fantastic.