1) Starting Time: 8:39pm
2) Name: Colleen Elizabeth Bernadette Rolland
3) Nicknames: Colleenie, Weenie, Cailin, and recently, Careen (Japan stlye)
4) Name Spelled Backwards: Neelloc
5) Hometown: Dearborn, MI
6) Grade: K-12 (yes, I just started college, leave me alone.)
7) Birthday: 20 January 1983
8) Age: 22
9) School: University of Maryland- Asian division
10) Hair color: Naturally, dark brown.
12) Height: 5'4"
13) Siblings: 6 of them. Greg, Cheryl, Thom, Debbie, Michelle, Brian
14) Gender: I'm a lady, thank you!
--------------HAVE YOU EVER...?-----------
15) Ever Been So Drunk You Black Out: Nope, but I've been pretty drunk before.
16) Missed School Because It Was Raining: Of course.
17) Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement: Nope, but Amanda and I used to light wooden (strike anywhere) matches on her back porch... that was amusing.
18) Kept A Secret From Everyone: Maybe... not sure really.
19) Had An Imaginary Friend: Not a consistent one, no.
20) Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend: Yes... and I did.
21) Cried During A Movie: Yup, 'Braveheart' was the first time.
22) Ever Liked A Teacher: Mr. Dobert in 8th grade performing arts class was always cool, but I can't really say I had a crush on him.
23) Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot: Can't think of one right now.
24)Ever Prank Called Someone: Ha, yes. Many times.
25) Been On Stage: Yupyup, not too good at it, but I've done it.
26) Fought With Your Parents: With my mama, yes. We've had many falling outs, but nothing too serious.
27) Wished Upon A Star: Indeedy.
28) Laughed Until You Cried: YES! But only a few really cool people can make me do that.
29) Watched A Sunrise/Sunset: I watch the sun rise (right in my eyes) every morning when I wake up for work. Damn blinds don't work for shit!
30) Went To The Beach At Night: With Mike Medici for his 18th b-day. We were in Traverse City and it was great.
31) Been Mean: It's in my nature.
32) Been Sarcastic: Always.. it's sad.
33) Are You Happy: Yes, I am truly happy right now in my life. =)
34) Are You Talking To Someone Online: Not at the moment.
35) Shampoo: Right now it's Tresemme, but I am going to try Garnier Fruictise next.
36) Soap: St. Ives Lavander Aromatherapy
37) Colors: Green, purple, and burgundy.
38) Day/Night: I really am a night person, but I'm also really friendly in the morning too. "I love the night life, I've got to boogie.."
39) Kind of Music: Everything... and I mean everything. Ok, except new age punk... fuckin' A!!!
40) Favorite Pop: I don't do pop. Yuckers.
41) Favorite kind of dog: All of them, but St. Bernards are really adorable.
42) Favorite car: Mini's... they're everywhere out here.
43) Favorite Perfume/Cologne: Right now I have two that I switch between... "Curious" (Brittney Spears) and "Metro" (BCBGirls). But I smelled J-Lo's "Miami Glow" today and YUM!
44) Favorite Radio Station: Don't have one.
50) Favorite Songs: Anything Beatles.
51) Favorite Food: chocolate
52) Favorite Movies: I absolutely hate this question. I get so vexxed trying to figure this out... there are just too many.
53) Favorite Place: There is no place like home (except New Orleans)
54) Favorite holiday: I really love Halloween... the season, the weather, the whole atmosphere just kicks my ass. I love it!
55) Lace or Satin: Neither, those are very non-breathable materials and could cause a nasty yeast infection!!!
56) Favorite place to chill in: Shouldn't that say "chill at"? Anyway, my pj's are the best place to chill "in".
57) Favorite ice cream: Ube (sweet potato ice cream only found here in Okinawa) YUMMY!
58) Favorite Cartoon Character: Samurai Jack
--------------FRIENDS AND CRUSHES------------
59) Have a bf/gf?: Right on.
60) Loved Anyone: I have and I do.
66) Who Do You Go to For Advice: Depends on wat I'm asking. You only go to the people who will give you the answer you want to hear.
67) Who Do You Cry With?: Anyone... I honestly don't care if people see me. If you're there at the worng time and place... you'll see me.
68) Which friend lives the farthest from you?: All of them. =(
69) Talked To Someone You Have A Crush On: Every so often.
70) Missed Someone: I miss many.
71) Hugged Someone: Many times just today.
--------DO YOU BELIEVE IN----------
72) God/Devil: God, yes... I think people give the devil too much credit.
74) Love at first sight: Yes, I do.
75) The Big Bang Theory: There are too many theories on how this all came about... the point is, it's here so who cares?
76) Heaven/Hell: "I'm going to heaven Lt. Dan..." -Forrest Gump (I love that line)
77) Who Named You: My mama and I am proud to say that out of all 7 of us, I am the only one she got to name.
78) When Was The Last Time You Showered?: About 30 minutes ago (woo hoo)
79) What Is Right Next To You: A black and white photo of my bare stomach and Andres fingertips touching it (in a black frame)
80) What Is You Computer Desk made Of?: Wood (I think)
81) What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your Phone #?: 2318
82) What Was The Last Thing You Ate: Chow hall
83) Who Do You Wanna Spend The Rest Of Your Life with?: I'm debating that right now.
84) How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List: LJ- 8 buddies and AIM- 10 (I like to keep it to a minimum)
85) How's The Weather Right Now: Nicer than yours, I bet.
86) What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?: Penis, think about it.
87) How Do You Eat Oreos: I don't eat Oreos.
88) Are You Too Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out: Nope, the way I asked Andres out was by showing up to his room in my PJ's and telling him that I was sleeping over his room that night. No sex, just sleeping.
89) If You Could Change Your Name: I never would.
90) Favorite Boy names: Liam, Jeremiah, Jude... lots of good boy names.
91) Favorite Girl Names: Madaline (Maddy for short), Malena, Elzbetta, Grace, Bernadette...
92) Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies: I really like scary movies
93) Do You Like Talking To People On The Phone or in Person?: In person.
94) Lust Or Love: Love, but lust is really fun.
95) Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport: Hai, dozo.
96) Boxers or Briefs: If he's hot, does it really matter?
97) Bacon bits or croutons: Neither
100) Disney World or Disney Land: World
102) Do you do drugs?: I have
103) Have you ever been skinny-dipping?: Nope
104) Do you make fun of people: Yes, I am going to hell. I make fun of people a lot and I take a lot of pleasure in doing so. I'm good at it.
105) Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: Nope
106) One pillow or two: One for me, but there are 3 on my bed.
107) Pets: I wish!!
108) Piercing or tattoos: Tattoo, on my back... it's a triskal. Very sexy baby.
109) What's your bedtime: About 15 minutes ago.
110) Adidas, Nike or Reebok: Hmmm, depends on what I'm doing. Running- New Balance. Looking cute- shohotas.
111) Most Embarrassing Moment: I have too many. The worst was when Mike G gayified Amanda and myself horribly as we were trying to break in (unsuccessfully) to the time capsule in the Fordson projection room. "THIS IS JUST WRONG!!!"
112) Do you attend a church regularly?: Yes I do.
113) What do you look for in the opposite sex: I look for them, not something fake.
114) Favorite Quote: I havea lot of favorites, but the one I guess that is most truthful to me is by Dante "There is no greater grief than to recall a time of happiness while plunged in misery" Canto 5
116) Do you like to swim?: I do, but I just recently found out that I suck at it.
118) Do you have a job?: Ha, do I? Protecting the country!! No, seriously, that was joke. I suck up peoples spit all day. Ok, that sounds bad...
119) Pro-life or Pro-choice?: I am pro-"do whatever the hell you want"
120) pools or oceans: Oceans
121) Pencil or pen?: PEN! I hate pencils, they're so dry.
122) Who's better boys or girls?: I love boys.
124) Who's the best looking person: This is a broad question.... hmm, Natalie Portman is quite pleasing to the eye.... Josh "Hot"nett is quite a looker too.
125) The best way to die? With my family and friends around me.
126) When do u want to die?: 82 years old
127) Have you ever called an 800 number? Nope
129) Would you ever go bungee-jumping?: Nope
130) Would you rather be short or tall or semi-tall?: How about semi-short??
131) Do you enjoy reading? I do.
132) Which Winnie the Pooh character is your fave:? Eore
133) What was the last movie you saw in the theater? : Robots... funny
134) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Yes, his name is Andres
135) Do you think you're attractive?: I most certainly do....
136) What is your sign?: Capricorn/Aquarius <--- so indecisive
137) What movie do you really want to see? Too many
139) What is your biggest wish?: If I tell you it won't come true, duh!
141) Who is the least attractive person you know of? I don't hang out with unattractive people, you should all know that being as beautiful as you are!! =)
142) Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist all the way
143) Would you ever have cosmetic surgery?: Nope
144) Do you like to dance?: Love it
146) People who do drugs?: LOL- what about them? I know a lot and they are all amazing people.
147) Better to cry or laugh?: Laugh so hard I cry.
148) Do you think men and women can ever just be friends?: They sure can.
149) Do you bite your nails?: I used to, thank you braces!!!
150) What's your worst habit?: Pushing back my cuticles.
151) Ever been in love?: I have and am.
153) Do you shun nudity?: Only if they're gross.
154) Who in your life is your biggest role model?: My mama and my brother Thom.
155) Who was your first crush?: Craig... he was in my kindergarten class and he had spikey with a button nose. He was so hot. He would take his cookies that had holes in the middle and look at me through them.
156) Do you organize your CD's?: Who the hell takes the time to organize cd's?? No, I don't.
157) Who makes fun of you the most?: I'm sure everyone does... I'm a dork.
159) Do You Want Your Friends To Do This And Send It Back?: Sure
160) What time is it now?: 9:30... ugh, my neck really hurts.