Mar 23, 2005 18:05
Today has been incredibly odd. There are a few things that contribute to that, but for the most part, I've just had this odd feeling lately. The biggest factor being that I was called to do a Commander Directed Investigation against the doctor I've been working with ever since I got here. He's become a good friend of mine and they are always in his business... but I guess he fucked up for real this time. He had this long lasting affair with one of our patients. I always knew he was hot for her but I honestly had no clue that anything ever happened. So they called me in to ask me questions and stuff. It was just weird and I felt really out of place talking about something which wasn't my business at all.
Hmm, other weird factors? Well, we've had a thunderstorm every night for the past 3 days this week, so that's a little out of the ordinary, but I actually love those so it's not too bad. I don't know. I just have this feeling and it's coming from somewhere, but I have no clue. I feel a change coming on... a big one. I just know something is going to happen and soon.
Speaking of things happening... I know something wonderful that did happen today. I was approved for my leave to come home in June!!!! They said I can go ahead and buy my ticket. =) I am all smiles about that. I just got done watching mpegs of when I was home and I can't wait to come back. So many drunken moments (Amanda and Joe in the closet!!) and so many happy moments (my nephews and sister dancing in my room). I can't wait.
I don't believe I'm alone when I say that I've been thinking a lot about life lately and where we're all going to end up. What are the right choices? Will "what I want to happen" actually happen or am I chasing a lost cause? I'm so scared I'm going to make the wrong choice and lose something that could be potentially great. There are things going on in my life and in my head that I haven't told anyone about... not one person. I don't want to say what it is b/c I know I'll get ten different responses that I can't handle dealing with. All I can say is that, come June, my life WILL (along with many others) change in a dramatic way. Life has to begin sometime... I'm sick of waiting.