I was thinking of waiting until the end of the event, but I'm just gonna get this out of the way. Back at the end of the Soviet event Ingway regained a certain ability, which I hadn't brought up yet because I was playing his way through a lasting injury before getting him out and about again. Well, he's better now if only because of hiatus droning, so here we are!
Ingway has a shapeshifting spell. He can use it to disguise himself, more or less perfectly, as anyone. Size and shape don't seem to be an issue as long as you generally look and walk like a person; I believe at some point in backstory
this behemoth used the same spell to go undercover as a young boy. So in general, Ingway should be capable of using any humanoid's appearance if necessary.
The thing is, he tends to use specific people as disguises. In this case, other player characters are appliccable! He probably won't go out of his way to ruin your good name, but it's a possibility if he decides to be Enemies with you and in general I think I should clear this with any potential victims.
Can Ingway impersonate your character? [Yes/No]
Can Ingway do things while impersonating your character that may get them in trouble? [Yes/No/No, but he can do embarassing things]
I'll probably have to steal your default icon for disguise purposes. [Yes/No/That's not a question, dude]
I'll edit this to forward-date it after a few days.