Sep 19, 2006 23:33
so today i definitely made a trip up to OSU to see miss liz with b-rad. it was awesome!!!! i never knew how gorgeous OSU's campus was. so very much more greener than UC!!! its wonderful!! i took a million pics of the trees and open spaces. i wish UC was more appeasing to the eye. zimpher could use some of her money and presidentishness to get us a pond or some kind of nature thing on campus. that would be nice! instead of just one big oak tree. woot.
neways, it was wonderful today. hanging out with the happy couple. they are cute together!!! and i am def missing liz already. we have been hanging out a lot lately and part of me wishes i could go to OSU now that i know so much about it. lol. where to park. and not to park... hehe. and walking around. shuttles. etc.
start UC tomorrow. woot. should be interesting. philosophy and my internet class meeets up. so we will see how that goes.... might drop one of those classes. taking 18 credits now. no point in stressing myself out this quarter when winter and spring will be crazy. with all the nursing things starting up.
so yes. me best get started on my printing party. lol. i know im a loser. hehe. just me and my printer. woot woot. maybe a drink too. my last hoorah before school and focus time. hehe. get to officially talk to mike tomorrow on the phone. will be good to chat although i have been IMing and emailing him. so yes. but hes started his stuff of the bargain. things are looking up there.
excited for a trip with my mom this weekend to indiana. just me and her. and dads going to DC so we get to have pizza pie from larosas. and i dont work on sat and sunday!!! always a good thing. woot!!! should be a good rest of the week. long day on thursday but we will seee how that goes!!! get to have dinner with mama s. woot fun!! homemade dinner is always better than TUC food.
ok best be getting to my party. hehe. no underagers here. cept maybe the printer?? lol. i amuse myself. night lj readers!