Jul 19, 2008 09:10
When I was coming downstairs and leaving for work, I noticed a small mammal that I didn't own skittering across the floor. Initially I shook my head as I saw the valiant cat run away from it instead of being some sort of predator bred for catching rodents over thousands of years. I walked over and took a closer look, and hiding in the kitchen corner was a baby opossum. It started walking back towards the door and I tried to get the door open without spooking it, and failed. He ran across the house, not being chased by my three cats, and hid in various corners of the living room. I found stick and started nudging him in the directions I wanted him to go, which worked for a few pokes, but he eventually just started ignoring me and tried to find better places to escape being poked with a stick. I tried to wrangle the varmint into various receptacles, which he didn't do very well, so I just kept poking him with my stick. I eventually trapped him in a pool skimmer net, but as i walked out towards the door, he just jumped back out of it and ran back in to the corer. I poked him some more for a few more minutes until I had to actually leave, when my mom came down the stairs asking why I wasn’t going to work. i told her. By the time I got over to where he was he had disappeared. She let the cat in and said he'd take care of it. Yeah, just like before. Stupid cats, they never catch anything. She had to leave for a bridal convention, so I left a note for my dad that simply said "Critter." My mom decided to elaborate my note my explaining there was a Opossum running around somewhere, so I elaborated even more. The final note says the following:
Opossum in the house somewhere.
He is probably also angry because I was poking him with this stick."
We decided not to worry about since the little critter's nocturnal and was probably already asleep where he was hiding, and has a bowl of cat food we left inside an animal carrier if he gets hungry, and then trapped.