- Unpack and organize.
- Make friends. Might need more.
- Adjust.
- Call Father. Nevermind, he's busy.
- Buy some new socks. Other pairs seem to have gone missing.
- Figure out where most people spend their free time at. Potential friends could be there.
I don't think he's ever been able to make as many friends as I have in one day. Good.
I have great respect to whoever thought of emoticons. I'll have to make sure to utilize them in the future. They add such personality to writing, I like it.
(≧∇≦)/ ← I like this one a lot.
○| ̄|_ ← Cleaning the floor...?
): ← Sad.
♥ ← Heart.
♡→ܫ←♡ Arf. Arf.
[ooc; This and future private'd entries are hackable to people with at least basic hacking skills unless otherwise noted. I don't know why people would want to look at them though~ ]