Spoiler/News roundup - TVLine, E!Online, TVGuide

Jun 12, 2014 19:53

Some of these are a bit older, just in case you missed them!

Question: What is the most exciting place Covert Affairs is traveling to this season? - Sarai
Ausiello: The show's passport this season will get stamped in Paris, France... Venezuela...and possibly also South Africa, we're hearing.

On Covert Affairs, how has Annie going dark and now trying to come in from the cold changed the relationship between her and Auggie? - Shelby
All told, "It's a bit of a reset” when Annie resurfaces after months off the grid, Christopher Gorham reveals. "Coming off of what happened to her, she kind of 'needs a minute'.... Her big challenge this year is that she wants to keep her work life separate from her personal life. Auggie understands that and gives her the space she needs - but at the end of the day, he may end up giving her more space than she bargained for!!

We saw Calder go from potential bad guy to hero last season on Covert Affairs. What can we expect from "the Sheriff" this year? - Shelby
You can expect struggles on the personal and professional fronts. "We may see him mess up in his personal life," Hil Harper hints. "He starts having sex, that's for sure - but maybe sex with the wrong person!" Meanwhile at the CIA, Calder is still the interim boss, "but Joan wants her job back, so there's a bit of a thing there that we've got to figure that out," Harper previews. P.S. Speaking of Joan, know that Kari Matchett's real-life tot will be playing Joan and Arthur's new bundle of joy.

Question: Covert Affairs' Auggie has gotten a lot of promotions in past seasons that haven't lasted - any promotions this year, and if so, will they stick? - Rhiannon
Ausiello: "No promotions so far this year," Christopher Gorham answered when we chatted him up at Upfronts, "and I'd be surprised if we see any more of that, because really, Auggie loves what he does, and nothing else really fits."

Is Anne Dudek set to reprise her role in Season 5 of Covert Affairs? - Mark
I can offer a firm... maybe. I'm hearing that in the episodes broken to date, Annie's sis has yet to resurface, though "there's always the possibility" that she could be written into one of the later episodes.

Source TVLine.com

Vance: Covert Affairs doesn't get enough love. I can't believe more people aren't talking about it after the big season it came off of.
People are talking, maybe you need new friends? One person who is for sure talking about it is Hill Harper who is both a fan and a cast member. And some lines are going to get blurred. "The show's really evolved, I think. I just joined it last year, but I watched all the seasons leading up. It used to be about [Annie] being new, her in the CIA, using her charm to figure it out and all that stuff," he told us. "Now it's changed to something else…I'm her boss, we don't necessarily get along. I have a kind of hardline approach to it. My character thinks there are bad people in the world and there are good people in the world and you should eliminate the bad. Her character thinks you can turn bad people good. It's an inherent conflict. I'm excited about the show. It's getting deeper and deeper."

Source E!Online

Got any Covert Affairs scoop? - Rachel
Annie isn't the only person who has history with Max Martini's character, Nathan Mueller, a former op who also went off the grid. Turns out, Auggie worked with him back in the day, and when Nate resurfaces, Auggie calls on another old contact to find out why Nate went rogue in the first place. The reason is the last thing he expects.

Source TVGuide


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