This weekend was toooo sick!
Friday night, I went to Steven's summer cottage in Hemmingford with Steven, his mum, his sister, and Greg. When we got there, we played on the trampoline, watched Ocean's Twelve, played Sonic 2 on the Sega Genesis, (A trip back to childhood) and went to bed at 3-something.
Saturday, came the real fun. The 4-WHEELERS!! Two of them, and Greg on a dirt bike. We went around the huge forest they own. We found some asshole's hunting tower, which was put there illegally, and then we came across
The Beast <-Movie
It's a dusty old convertible trailer with a seat, that Steven built years ago. We destroyed the bees nests inside, hooked it up to a 4-wheeler, cleaned it up, put some local teenagers inside, and took it for a spin on the country road at 80 km/h. Thank God for Greg following us on the dirt bike and pulling us over into the butcher shop driveway, because the tires started smoking! As it turns out, the trailer cannot support two teenagers without the tires caving in and rubbing against the wood frame. Melted tire:
Thanks Greg, you may have saved our lives. Imagine what would have happened if the tire broke, and we all flipped over! :shock: It was fun getting back to the house because the trailer was in no shape to go anywhere. That night we started fires and watched Meet The Fockers. This morning, we took out the wheels again, and I wiped out on a dirt bike. Along with some cuts and gashes, I've counted over 30 bites on my arms and legs. Thank God for afterbite.