Title: COLORED-Touya in a Towel
Fandom: Hikaru no Go
Pairing: none.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Um... almost nakedness...?
Notes: Here's the colored version of # 9 for
Things Shindou Hikaru Never Had to Deal with Before Living with Touya Akira by
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......Okay, yeah, random person here, sorry XD;;. I j-just.. followed the art links from moonythestrals's fic. Still trying to gather the courage to comment on her fic orz
.....s-sorry, I really suck Dx;;
And I skimp out on backgrounds often, too! Why do they have to be so difficult XDDD
hm, I do believe you are made of awesome sauce and I may just have to friend you!
A...anyway yeah, I know what you mean about coloring w/o the computer and god yes, those crazy artists with insane color combos are just asldhflaksjdlkt ♥♥! I really don't know how they do it 'cause it is totally not working with me and guhh xDDD;;;;
Okay. ....okayokay, I left a comment on her fic and now I'm feeling really lame and stuff because I am really, really not good with de-lurking orz.
EEE, HONEYYY ♥♥♥!! He's so cute but sometimes I think he's too cute and it, like, kills me dead *A*
De-lurking is really weird isn't it? lol...It makes you feel kinda stalkerish but really, in the long run, it doesn't matter...cause everybody loves comments and hearing from people that enjoy their stuff! Plus, I'll tell you a secret...*whispers* moonythestrals is a total lurker. *nods* lol, so she totally won't mind!
EEEee! I love Honey tooo!!!
YAY for random people!!! I'm Dani, good friends with moonythestrals in real life...she's a sweety (even if she pretends to be mysterious and angsty)and I'm quite certain she would flail happily if you commented on her fic! Cause, even though I keep telling her she's made of awesomesauce, she doesn't quite believe me!
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