Mar 25, 2005 09:19
yes i know, it's been a while. but there is a reason for that. and until last night, i let that reason get to me, but i'm not anymore.
you see, people find it entertaining to anonymously comment on my journal i guess to put a little laughter in their day. when they did that, it bothered me. a lot. i used to get myself so worked up over something that was typed on the computer. now that i sit here and think about that, i don't know why i got upset. maybe it was because i didn't know who was saying it or maybe because i couldn't figure out why they were saying it. but now i know it doesn't matter.
after spending a very intriguing evening with quincy last night, she helped me realize some things. she helped me realize that the people who care about me don't think of me the way the people who post annonymous comments or the people who don't like me do. she really made me feel good about myself and made me feel important again. and for a while, i haven't felt important. i haven't felt like i was needed by people and i was feeling alone. some of the people who i thought i could depend on haven't been there. i don't know where they have been but they haven't been there. but now i realize, that's ok.
sometimes things happen in life that you can't explain. people change. life changes. but that's apart of growing up. you are supposed to change and the people who mean the most to you change with you. i know who i've changed with and who has changed with me. granted, it may not be a lot of people, but it's the 3 1/2 people who mean the most to me. and i'm glad i have them in my life because if it weren't for them, i wouldn't be the person that i am. i think they know who they are too.
so thank you to quincy for helping me realize something that i needed to realize and to grow with. you're a great friend and i'm lucky to have you in my life.