Aug 19-25; I'll make it through this year if it kills me...

Aug 18, 2010 11:03

This week, I have actually been sleeping.  Yes, that is strange for me.

Though I continue to lay awake for long periods of time before actually dozing off, once I do reach sleep, it proceeds to function as actual sleep (rather than the doze-awake-doze-awake-doze-awake nonsense I normally put up) until I wake up around 7:30 and wait for my alarm to go off at 8.  Because regardless of being awake at 7:30, I'm still a lazy bastard who is not going to get out of her warm, snugly bed any sooner than is absolutely necessary. Anyway, the end result for this is that I've been early to work more often (usually by a good ten to fifteen minutes) and actually able to concentrate.

The counterpoint is that I'm tired a lot earlier, beginning to slag off at around 9 P.M. So it is that while my performance at work is going up (yay!), my performance on personal projects is going down (boo!).  Why is there never a happy medium?

In other news, I've taken up the pencil again.  For a long time I was planning to try and switch entirely over to digital work--mostly because of the paper mess that traditional art deals with.  I've since realized that this is a mistake, until/unless I get a Cintiq... considering the price tag, I highly doubt that will happen any time soon. Even then, there's no guarantee that that would help matters--I rather wish there were a way I could "test drive" one.

The point is that I have more control over what's going on in the art when I have the paper and pencil in my hands.  For whatever reason, drawing on a pad while staring at a screen just doesn't allow me to produce the same quality results in the sketching stage. Inking is another matter altogether (as much as I love traditional ink, my digital inks produce cleaner work.)

Does anyone else have this issue?  It is amazingly drastic--and I may update this post when I get home to fully illustrate the difference between my digital-style sketches and my traditional ones--how different the works are.  I can't decide if it relates to the lack of certainty over where my pen is, or even if it has to do with how incredibly tiny my tablet is in comparison to the screen I use.

I'm still pressing for a December/January release of the comic... though a part of me is screaming that that's going to fly by sooner than I think.  We'll see, brain. We'll see.

Also, thank you to D for linking me this song. It is appropriate:

image Click to view


Mixed feelings have made it hard to know how to handle this situation. Part of you is ready to overlook the problem, and the rest of you thinks that you need to do something about it. It’s not clear what actually needs to happen, but it appears as if it’s one of those things that will resolve itself better if you stop trying to correct it. Some things work themselves out. This situation is not anything you can control. If the idea of doing something about it is more appealing to you, the best you can do is keep abreast of your own issues and make sure you’re on top of yourself.
~Cal Garrison

haz some moozic for j00, blah blah blah blah blah, life, vernacular diarrhea, isn't this interesting, horoscopes, quit your whining, getting my lazy ass in gear, over-ambitious fail ahead

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