AUG 5-11; I got plans, biatch

Aug 05, 2010 12:14

Yesterday I began an initiative to un-gold Tarnish. This ended up involving more brush cleaner than I care to admit, a rather large glass container, and about ten hours of soaking.  It's unfortunate that she had to be blanked, but at this point she's staining all her clothes, the chipping at her joints is disastrous, and I cannot find a gold touch-up paint that matches.

I thought that i might still put her glow-in-the-dark highlights back on after the blanking, but now that they've proven to be a bitch and a half to remove I'm having other thoughts.

She's pretty much white-skinned.  I say "pretty much," as the gold may have stained her a little off-white.  It's too early to tell, as she needs another round with a fresh batch of brush cleaner (she turned what she was soaking in, into opaque gold soup) and a clean scrub brush before I'll be able to tell, but right now it's the difference between egg-shell and yellow-white.  Then again, maybe she's originally DZ yellow-skin.  It's difficult to say.

Either way, I've pretty much made up my mind to go Dios De Los Muertos on  her, at least through Halloween.  Here are my inspiration pictures:

The top most is the one I want to copy the style of the most.  Not the markings, per se, but I am planning on making the headdress and head-cloth-thing.  I'd also like to do a pretty, though simple, skirt and top.  If I can talk a friend into helping with her sewing experience.

Beyond the clothes and face-mask, though, I plan to do a full-body skeletal "tattoo" on the girl. It'll be a black skeleton on white skin, sure, but still there.  I want to try and get it as anatomically correct as possible, thus the anatomy books are going to be drug back out of storage.  We'll see how well this goes, and how long it lasts.

Right now, I think the tattoos will mainly be on  her front and backside; I'm wondering if i can't somehow work in a way to do the side-view of the spinal column in a way that actually makes sense.  Will report back with findings.

Also wondering: do they make faux flowers that small which actually resemble real flowers?
The sunny side of life has a few clouds forming, over in the corner where work and your deeper yearnings aren’t seeing eye to eye. As much as you’re proud of what you’ve accomplished, you’re beginning to see that this could be the beginning of the end as far as the road to mediocrity is concerned. These things hit us in cycles. At those points a choice has to made between the prescription we’ve been given and whatever it is that gets us going. If you think it’s time to settle into something permanent, give yourself a chance to reconsider your dreams.
~Cal Garrison

horoscopes, brb being superstitious, life, awesome shit is happening, +dolls

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