Kid-verse Drabbles

Jul 28, 2010 09:18

(Once again, being posted for  my records.)

Fandom:  Sailor Moon
Verse: Kid-verse
Title: ---
Characters:  Minako, Artemis
Summary:  The beginnings of an argument.

It was a simple thing; gold and diamond hugging her finger to remind her of the promise that it stood for. It was a simple promise, too. It should have been.

Minako sighed softly and stared out the windows and the beautiful, white-blue sky of the morning. Dawn in the countryside was different than it was in the city. Everything was quiet, save a few birds twittering through the black silhouettes of tree-limbs. Inside the house, the only things awake were her and the coffee pot, which gurgled out it's brew on the timer she'd set last night because as she'd done for the past seven years.

She turned from the window and went to shut it off.

After she'd poured the coffee down the drain and disposed of the grounds, she unplugged the pot and taped a note on top of it to get rid of it. She'd never drunk coffee, and never would, now. That was all him.

Behind her, the table wobbled just enough to creak on it's legs as the cat jumped upon it--Minako would know that sound anywhere. "You're up early," Artemis said, hardly more than a whisper in the stillness of the house.

"I couldn't sleep," Minako turned to smile at him.

He sat down in the middle of the table and regarded the coffee pot with dark eyes. After a very long moment, the cat turned his gaze fully upon her. "Are you okay?"

"No," her smile cracked a little and she took a glass from one of the cabinets. "Should I be?"

When he didn't respond, she moved to pour a cup of milk from the jug in the refrigerator and then replaced it with a little more energy than she'd meant to. "Just say it," she snapped.

"What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't."

Minako slammed the refrigerator door in emphasis and pressed her back to it. Milk clutched in one hand, she crossed the other arm over her chest and glowered at him. "I wasn't thinking. It just... happened. I'm human, big fucking shock."

"It is a big 'fucking' shock," Artemis replied, seemingly nonplussed by her attitude; the twitch and the end of his tail spoke a different story, however. He'd always hated it when she cursed. "Of all people to go and do something like this, Mina, I never thought it'd be you."

"Oh what the... I told him!" She gestured broadly and splashed the milk onto the wall. "I confessed!"

"Confessing to it doesn't change the fact that you cheated on the father to your child."

They stared at one another until Minako muttered under her breath, "You think I don't know that?" Before he could answer, she yanked a dishrag off the counter and turned to wipe up the milk.

"No, I don't think you do."

Fandom:  Sailor Moon
Verse: Kid-verse
Title: ---
Characters:  Jadeite (Jude), Daz (R/J kid)
Summary:  Kids will be kids.

The gilt cage was hung in the atrium at just the right height that a toddler on a patio chair could see inside of it. Daz's grubby, dirt-covered fingers gripped at the bottom of the cage as he peered inside at the yellow prisoner. The cockatrice fluffed itself and grated out a warning trill as it wobbled away along its perch.

In an attempt to mimic the sharp, clear sounds his father and brother could produce, Daz formed his lips into a circle and blew. Spit speckled the newspaper and the bird cawed in annoyance and ruffled itself.

He tried again, this time reaching for the cage door as the chair wobbled beneath him.

"Thaaat's enough." His father's voice sounded a second before two strong arms picked the toddler from the chair before the whole thing came tumbling down. Jude tucked an arm about his son's middle before prying the boy's fingers from the cage bars. "You're not supposed to be on furniture."

"Tweety bird," Daz said, attempting to reach again for the cage. When it was obvious that his father was winning the battle, he sat up straight and pointed instead. "Da, it's a tweety bird."

"A tweety bird, huh?" Jude chuckled. He hefted his son around until he get the boy settled on one hip and cast a look into the cage. The bird, a fussy old thing, puffed itself up once again and bobbed its head in challenge.

"He's no tweety bird," Jude corrected, "That's Eago. He's a mean old thing."

"Ego?" Daz attempted to parrot.

"E-a-go," Jude corrected. After a few repetitions the toddler got it right. "What were you trying to do there, huh? You shouldn't spit at birds."

The boy grumbled a little and wrinkled his nose. "I'm wiss-ling."

"Whistling?" Jude asked. Daz nodded and scrubbed his cheek with one hand, successfully smearing dirt across himself. "Whistling and digging in Grammy's garden, huh? Rei's going to kill me." The last line Jude muttered to himself as he headed for the bathroom right outside the atrium entrance, inside the main house.

"Bye Eago bird," Daz whined and gripped the collar of Jude's pressed white shirt as he leaned over the man's shoulder to wave at the bird. He didn't notice his father's wince, but he did notice the bathroom door shut behind them.

Daz regarded the nearby bathtub with a dark frown as his father set him on the edge of the sink. "Not bath time."

"No, it's not bath time," Jude replied and grabbed a washcloth from the nearby cabinet. He turned the faucet on a tiny bit, well aware of the damage his son could cause with the tiniest amount of water, and wet it. "But you, Sir Daz, are very dirty. What did Grammy tell you about that garden?"

"Worms are not for eating."

(sailor moon), *kidfic, ^fanfic

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