Writing Meme and Music

Jul 15, 2010 10:26

WRITING MEME: DAY FIVE-- By age, who is your youngest character? Oldest? How about “youngest” and “oldest” in terms of when you created them?

Age wise, that's hard to say... Plus I'm not sure if this is something I should count "relatively" or not, considering the characters that are not human.   Sooooo, let's do this the round-about fashion.

Youngest:   Pahri - one of the babies in the Kinari Ama tribe, cousin of the main character. She's not much of a character in Wind Spirits, but I do have ideas of something else concerning her later.
Oldest:   Arthur Dirbly - from the working-titled Tick, Tock verse. He was eighty-something when he died.  Though his clock keeps ticking, literally, it's borrowed time.

Youngest:    Stacey - Gangrene verse; she's five years old. This is also just her working name. Stacey is the MC's (Claudia) daughter, whom much of plot depends on.
Oldest:     Dragoness - from Tier. She's like... eons old, but still mortal so I think she counts.  It's kind of sad that she doesn't, as of yet, have a "real" name.  At the same time, I don't think she's ever going to give one as it feels like it would degrade her character a little.  That's a hard one to explain without going into details, though, and that would be giving away plot elements. XD

And now, by terms of creation:

Youngest:   Hawe - Another minor character from Wind Spirits who surprised me by being more than a simple cardboard cut-out.  He has a personality that I adore, and an actual place in the greater order of things where that verse is concerned.  I really want to write him a bigger part at some point.  Creation wise, he's maybe a week old.
Oldest:   Ju Ling ("Heinna") - Originally a Gundam Wing Fan Character villain, Ling has managed to remain mostly the same since her creation, save cutting her fandom ties and a much needed name change.  Though she doesn't have a story all her own at the moment, I have played with including her in Land of the Rising Sun.  I really want to use her for something, some day. She's around twelve years old, now.


And now for music :3

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If you just want the song, skip to 2:28.  I warn you, her opening dialogue is tear inducing.

haz some moozic for j00, ^meme

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