JUNE 24-30

Jun 25, 2010 09:54

You aren’t as enthusiastic about this as others expect you to be. After what you’ve been through is it any wonder that you’re a little leery, or even paranoid about what might come out of it? We are told that the past dictates the future but if that is the case, we’d all be living through reruns of every mistake we ever made. Don’t make the mistake of using the rear view mirror to figure out what will happen next. Whether you know it or not, what you’re about to embark on will be your reward for all the BS you’ve had to plow through to get here!
- Cal Garrison

Regardless of whether or not it's true, that's exactly what I needed to hear right now.


Dear Brain,

Where exactly do you get off mixing Freddie Kruger and Resident Evil?

No Love,

horoscopes, brb being superstitious, random is as random does

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