Oui j'ai pleuré mais ce jour-là

May 21, 2010 11:17

Today I present you with some April March:

image Click to view

There is also an English version of this here. Both are awesome.

I have realized that writing with a partner is so much easier than solo.  At least, when you have the right partner.  While the rest of my work is cavorting in the corner, demanding various ransoms for their individual chapters, the RE fanfic that D and I have been working on is trucking along.  We're just about done with two chapters worth of final edits and it feels good.  Especially as I've accomplished little else this week.

Do you ever have a period where everything seems to go to pot?  That's where I am right now, so far as work is concerned.  Not my day job, thankfully, but my personal work.  I haven't been able to draw anything of merit all week.  My brain seems to creatively shut off at six with the office phone lines, and doesn't wake up again until I turn them back on at nine the next morning.  This will, perhaps, be fixed when Boss-Lady returns on Monday.  We shall see.

Ami's birthday is tomorrow and I haven't done a thing for it.  If anything creative happens between now and then, it needs to be directed at her.

And to the ficchat group, sorry for flaking on you guys so much this week. D:

blah blah blah blah blah, (resident evil), i came i saw i slacked off, vernacular diarrhea

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