Maybe I'm just not getting it...

May 07, 2010 17:26

Let's say you puchased something from a company far away from yourself.  Obviously the product must be shipped to you, and, in this case, it relies upon a secondary shipping company (we'll refer to them as "Shipping") to do that. As it's a large order, the product is shipped in several different boxes. The company you've purchased this product from does not charge for this shipping--they eat the cost in order to get it to you.

Two days later you receive the order, but one box is missing.  The company tracks the shipment for you and discovers that Shipping  has damaged said box in transit, and the box is being sent back to them.  They state that they will re-ship your product out to you, and apologize for the inconvenience. At no time have they asked you to pay any shipping charges what so ever.


How, exactly, do you figure that the company owes you a special refund/discount, or extra free product? The damage was not Company's fault--the damage came from Shipping--and you did not pay for shipping charges, just the product itself.  Product that you will be receiving in full ASAP.

I would understand if you asked for a refund of shipping costs (had the company charged you any,) except that you have not paid any.

Am I the only one who finds this behavior to be rather entitled?  If you want a product you pay for that product.  Sure, damage in shipping is disappointing as hell, but life happens.

People, man. People.

Oh, and also, I fail to see how Shipping's damages are any reflection on our company.  Except possibly that we keep using their dumbasses.

drugery 101

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