for the hell of it

Mar 04, 2010 15:09

It never fails that in ten years of using photoshop, some new issue will always crop up.  Today, in typical unapologetic fashion, it was the crop tool.  Turns out it was just locked to an aspect ratio, but it still befuddled me for a few minutes.  XD

I am... tired.  That's pretty typical these days, despite that I don't do much which is tiring.  A large part of it is barely getting any sleep last night, which I'm going to attribute to allowing myself to have half a soda after six pm.  I always seem to have crazy dreams if I have caffeine after six, so I'm not sure why I let myself do that.  So after a mostly sleepless night, I forced myself to get up and go to work, only to once again run into the back-and-forth issue of having jack shit to do.

For those of you just tuning in, my current job seems to go in spurts.  Either I am slammed with work all at once, or I have finished all of my projects and have nothing to do (resulting in my getting short hours that week, which means not enough money to pay my bills. Joy).  Since I tend to finish projects long before their deadline, the latter  happens more often than not.  I'm looking for another job, the search is just going slow.

Combined with the eternal fog my head seems to be in today, I'm surprised that I'm able to form a cohesive sentence, much less work on my prompt for BF--yet that has happened.  So far it's coming off as a total rip-off of Percy Jackson, but I'm actually fine with that.  Could be worse, says I.

The third chapter of TSM is still on it's way.  Thanks to Sandy I have the plot a little better ironed out and as soon as I clear the fog, I might be able to get something done with it.  I need to finish the outlines for the second and third volume of WS, and then start the first draft of the script. I keep putting it off for research purposes, but that's seriously beginning to put me into procrastination mode which is not good.  At this point it's better to have something written than nothing at all, I think.

I've been planning on going to the dollfie meet at the zoo on Saturday, but have begun to question that.  Right now I'm so tired I don't want to do anything at all, much less something that involves people and spending money.  But, the sunshine would be good for me, and the exercise, so I might just go anyway and force myself to have a good time.  At least I can say that lately I've been making a point to spend time reading/writing on the front porch, so I do get fresh air.

Most of this is just whine, whine, whine, ramble, so I apologize for that. XD  Let's leave on a good note, shall we:

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blah blah blah blah blah, life, quit your whining, isn't this interesting

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