Title: Us and Them
Pairing: Rei / Jadeite
Status: Complete
Word Count: 10100 approx.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Theologically sensitive? Possibly. Some use of rough language.
Summary: Rei is surprised when her father announces a fast engagement to an American designer, Angela Darton. Though bothered by his disregard for the family he already has, Rei
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OMG the make out scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was so hot! And natural, Rei's characters, especially when it comes to Jadeite is very difficult. You have to really create a viable excuse for her to let a man in, and he's not just ANY man, he's Jadeite, the big traitor/man who she loved. You make the scene natural. The build up to it (not just the drinking, I'm referring to the whole fic up to that point) makes it work perfectly well. He's not afraid to challenge, he's teasing and sexy and likes to hide his intelligence. He's perfect for her and it's easy to see how they ended up in that situation. So I wholeheartedly applaud you. Also, did I mention it's hot?!
AND THEY GOT CAUGHT! I actually went 'oh shit!!' and ducked my head into my hands (and then realised that I had to look back at the screen in order to read what else happened).
The second thing I love is Emiko. I never even considered her having other grandparents, but OF COURSE she does! And she's a wonderful character, it's nice to see that Rei has gotten some of her good traits from her father's side of the family: he grandmother's grace, need for propriety, wisdom and wit.
As a character on her own, I love her to bits, and I would be so happy to see more of her.
I also love how you portray the clash between the two cultures, you always do that so very, very well and this time is no exception. Sometimes it works in their favour, sometimes it's just cringing (see ALL of what Angela does, who by the way, I thought was the perfect balance of brash American and sweet lady who is just trying to do the best she can).
This was a brilliant piece of work, I'm glad it ended with her making up with her father, and while you could argue that that is a perfect place to end it, I dare to say that it's not. Much more needs to be done, for example, Jemi and Rei need to get it on more. ^_~
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