my psychosis, let me show you it

Jul 13, 2011 14:54

This is what happens to my nights when I have caffeine:

"I" (I dream in third person a lot, not sure why, so this was more like a movie but this was definitely the main character) was with another girl and we were being chased down a river bank by...something. Not in the "OMG RUNNING FOR LIFE" way, but in the general "we need to keep on the move!" sort of way. We come up at this boarding school/summer camp type situation on the river: a large manor type house, with a small boat dock and (for whatever reason) a bit swimming pool overlooking the river. We go up a staircase along the steep bank to a covered walkway above, where we're assaulted by two guys.

I have a knife, so when one of the dudes threatens me, I gut him. The other ...just ceases to exist. IDK, it's a dream. But then these kids start passing by like a class went out, only no one notices the body when we roll it into the bushes. A group of girls seems to know us, and they invite us to come swimming down by the river with them, so we do. I guess we were afraid of being caught or something. At some point in this we manage to dump the body in the river.

The headmistress comes along, and we're like...terrified of her for whatever reason. We skip out before she can see us, but accidentally drop a bag of supplies we'd been carrying. We go around the bank to the swimming pool where some kids are playing. I notice that one of the kids dropped his goggles at the bottom of the pool, so I dive in to get it.

When I'm down there i notice that, strangely, I'm all alone. I grab the goggles and come up, only to have them be rusted and filmy and the pool is completely covered in algae and crawling with minnows, etc. All the kids are gone and my friend is totally freaked out--only there are now two girls I'm with and neither of us seem to snap to that.

I get out of the pool and we circle around the campus back to a main road that runs directly along it. There are no people anywhere and the whole place now looks ancient and run down. we get back around to the area with the docks and realize we have to go back for the bag of supplies. Just then, the doors open and the girls that invited us down earlier --along with the two boys that tried to jump us--come out and head for the dock. We hide until they're gone, then sneak down and grab the bag.

After that, we high-tail it down the road and end up just on the other side of a stand of trees, at a convenience store. There's a big memorial there to the kids who died when some kind of murder rampage went down at the boarding school. The extra girl with us, who had miraculously appeared, was apparently the ghost of the girl who killed them all. doesn't really make much sense, I know, but it was creepy as all get out when I was "there."  The sad part is, I kind of think it'd make an interesting story if it were cleaned up.

Originally posted at The Mouse Hole.

i have a dream, coffee is my frienemy, life, random is as random does

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