The new site is alive!
Please take a look at it, with a particular eye toward mizpellings and grammer bad.
My expectation is that most people will be hitting this via GoogleAds targeted at specific products, so: Assume you did a Google Search for "What is Agile Software Development" and you saw (and clicked) on the following link:
Learn Agile
Read more... )
Couple of qs:
1) What makes the home page more "exciting"? Busier? More graphics...?
2) Which of the products would you be the most interested in? (I'll be using Google Ads to collect conversion data to market test, but curious for your thoughts...)
2) Startup Finance for Engineers :-)
Find a way to teach this, for instance:
Not that I'm trying to tell you what to sell ;-)
One of the courses I was actually thinking about was "Corporate Politics for Engineers."
Don't be a tease.
Seriously, I put together a draft outline for the topic "Corporate Politics for Software Developers."
I guess I'll add it to the list to test how the Google Ads convert. Any suggestions for keywords to find people who would be interested in that topic?
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