Jan 01, 2010 12:17
Ringing in the new year is often a time for celebration, a time for reflection, a time for resolution, and a time for the wiping of slates; but this is nothing new to any of us.
As you probably already know, resolutions are more often than not broken. We start out pretty good but slowly wane in our attempts at self-improvement. So if you're like me and want to live more for Christ (and die more to self) this year, you're probably thinking not to make it a "resolution" because it is so hard to keep. I mean, let's face it... the old sin nature is still strong and the opportunities to turn our back on God are vast and numerous.
The truth is, the vast VAST majority of us WILL sin this year. We WILL sin in thought this year. We WILL sin in word this year. We WILL sin in deed this year. BUT... Take heart. I do not say this as a discouragement, but rather to ENcourage you to do two things.
First, make your "resolution" (there's that unlikeable word again) to be dependent on God; to not only be in a RELATIONSHIP with Him (a certainly vital key to spiritual health and vitality), but to LEAN on Him, in utter DEPENDENCY every single moment of this year (and the next year ad inifitum).
Second, make your desire for change to lie in your own sanctification. Trust GOD ALONE for this change. Think about it... How do you become more like Christ? Well, you read the Bible, you pray, you go to church, and so on. Rather than making an effort to do these things on your own, PRAY to God to GIVE YOU A DESIRE to do these things. It this is what you truly desire, ask God (who "gives freely") to give you a stronger desire every day, every hour. This reduces trust in our self for our own sanctification and puts our dependency on God to help turn our hearts more toward the righteousness-filled life He calls us to.
I know we all want the "old acquaintance" with the sin nature to "be forgot and never brought to mind", but left to ourselves, we cannot overcome this acquaintance more this year (if at all). Make "the renewing of your mind" and planting your "roots" firmly "by the stream" YOUR resolution this year. Ask God and He will help you achieve His "plan for you... to give you a hope and a FUTURE".