
Jun 18, 2005 10:15

I am officially a junior!!!!!!This school year wasn't to bad, I mean it had it's ups and downs but for the most of it was good. I have changed sooooo much this year i doni't know if most people notice it but i do.  I think my friends have really changed who I and and made me a lot happie, I remeber when I would hate school and just want to be at camp all year . I mean i still want to be at camp all year but I my home life is pretty amazing haha

So finals this year weren't to bad. I could have studied more but that's ok. My spanish final was sooooo hard. After taking that final I swear it made me feel like I didn't know spainsh .Bio not sure if I did well on it because we have not learned anything all year. Math I think I did really good on.English not really sure if i did bad or good . CSW haha what a joke of a final! It was so easy and dumb.

After school yesterday I went over my love chiara's house. Then we went out to lunch and chilled at people's houses. I was fun.  around 5 I came home and my mom told me to old me to go to the mall with my sister to go get stuff for israel.  we came home and  I see this car half way in the woods and it looks sort of creepy  and it looked like chiris's car so for  a moment   I think to myself  "what is chris doing here?"so then i come inside and my parents are acting all weird and my dad was like  come down stairs  I want to show you something on the tv  so I thought he was going to show me a new computer for my but then I see chris's shoes and I'm like why are chris's shoes here too. so I walk about 5 more feet and I hear a SURPRISE from all of my friend! at first i wasn't to excited because I was kind of tired. but then after i went upstairs to change I felt  pretty excited. the whole night more people kept on showing up. after a few hours we chilled in the hot tube  and danced to music haha it was sooo much fun. I hope that everyone else had at much fun as me.

today  I have tennis and I might be going shopping. tonight I'm going over matts and sleeping over em's with some of the girls  and me and em are going to make our ipods HOTTT!

I think my parents are giving me all of my  birthday presents today! I know i'm getting my ipod because I asked my mom about it  haha and  I know i'm gettin a digital camera! which is good so I can take pictures of  tonight  loloi'm also getting a new computer., but  it's not really for my birthday. my dad is just getting  a new one because my copmuter is dead.

Cath and Chiara leave today and I won't see them  for a week and i'll only get to see them for one day before i leave . I  already miss then and I am talking the chiara right now haha

well i leave in 8 days for ISRAEL!! I'm soo excited!


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