
Mar 05, 2004 14:39

I've been reading another LJ that discusses FanQ awards (I think that's what they're called), and wondering why these awards are solely for zine stories. In this day and age, why not include stories on LJs, on lists, on File Forty and other websites, as well as in zines? Why not throw it open to every format? I post this at the risk of causing great gnashing of teeth throughout fandom, and also at the risk of appearing self-serving, although I do have stories in a zine or two. I also have no illusions that there are far better writers in MFU slash fandom than me, including Lee the T, Di T, Jane T, tgabrielle, T. Kyle (is it mandatory to have a T in your name to write MFU slash?) and many others. You, too, CC.
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