I've been having massive computer problems lately. I caught something nasty on my laptop and, after much fussing, fighting, and rebooting, I finally managed to kill it. My desktop is proving more problematic, which is plain awful, for while I read a lot of fic on my laptop, I write on my desktop (it has Word and all my files.) I finally have time to work on Gotham Slayer and my other WIPs, but typing into my sub-par laptop would drive me nuts!
In other news, I got the new season of True Blood on DVD. I'm about halfway through and, as usual, am loving Tara and Lafayette, liking Eric and Pam, and bored to death with Sookie and Bill. It's funny, I spend a lot of time on LKHlashouts (a community that whines about the Anita Blake books) and I think it's ruined me for 1st person urban fantasies. I just cringe when Sookie is on screen “explaining” her motivations, steamrolling over her friends opinions, and, really, generally existing. I have a real problem with unlikable characters and, while Sookie Stackhouse isn't nearly as bad as Anita Blake, they certainly share enough traits to draw a parallel.
Back to my writing woes. Why isn't Word standard on computers anymore? Seriously, it's around $100-150 to buy separate. *whimper*