Aug 17, 2007 15:09
First: If you are a passive-aggressive, manipulative, or otherwise emotionally stunted jerkoff, bitch, or dickhead, get out of my life. And don't bother driving me to the mall as a consolation prize, please. Just let the door hit you in the appropriate private parts, and I'll be a happy girl. Plainly put, I'm sick of being lied to, having all sorts of miraculously victimless, non-occuring excuses thrown my way while said excuser accuses me of similar crimes, and, seriously, if you have not learned to be slightly tactful in delivering criticism by age eighteen, and you are not medically classified as mentally slow, there is something truly wrong with you and your ass. Cowardice is based completely upon perceptions of behavior, and is certainly invalid if one accusing another of such is equally guilty. That is what we call hipocracy, kids. If examples are needed, some will gladly be provided:
First offense. Blocking folks from MSN, and/or disappearing from said communication service, repeatedly, so as to avoid being called out on various strings of bullshit? Oh, please. If you are 20, and impulsive enough to do this, you have profound emotional issues. And I'll not even attempt to begin analyzing them, because this behavior is symptomatic of a much larger set of problems, which I earlier termed passive-aggression. I might also call them narcisism, since they're an outward expression of the internal belief that the doer is never at fault. Furthermore, if this is a pattern noticed by multiple partners/lovers/friends, all female, one should conclude that one has difficulty relating to women. Whether this is due to one's family life being less than Ozzie and Harriet's idyll isn't exactly relevant. If one seeks to be proactive, choose one's own fate, and so-forth, can one also not choose to follow the dickish ideas of one's father? Sorry, but this is a clear case of do as I say, not as I do. And also of being able to dish criticism and tactlessness like it's going out of style, but cowering and crawling into an emotionally protecting, but socially harmful shell speaks directly to an extremely thin skin, and a desire to appear tons stronger/less vulnerable than one actually is. And all of this has nothing to do with one's intellectual aptitude, mind you. One's aptitude is quite high, but maturation in other areas is woefully not. I'm fed up with the lopsidedness of it all. And oh look, the rain perfectly captures this mood. It has just started to pour, and thunder here, so this entry will summarily be closed.