Apr 08, 2005 00:35
If I do still come back in June I'll be coming by myself and on a plane. My mom is going to stay here and live with some new wierdo she met on the internet. This one asked her to marry him before they even met. She's an idiot. I knew that of course, just thought she might learn.
So if I don't come back its because I have nowhere to live. I have nowhere to live. Even if I stay here I'm sure as hell not going to live with her anymore. Not sure what I'm going to do though.
I tried to apply to USF online but it was weird and confusing. I yelled "fuck" at the computer a lot then stoped trying.
I'm really sunburned from that all day battle of the bands. My lip is sunburned and I think my hair is too. I took a shower and it got all chalky, if that makes sense. I'm thinking about wearing it like the guy from Flock of Seagulls tomorrow.
Oh yeah, and good times.