Ok. I just realized how pathetic my doll addiction can be. If you'd like to view what I've been up to, just
view my dollies. The truly sad thing is that I spent some time actually culling some of the dolls. :S
Oh, the woes of the wife of a soccer fan. heheheheehe Yes, I'm am being soooo sarcastic. It's World Cup time. It only happens once every four years. Plus, to be honest, I'd much rather watch soccer than any other sport. American football has more breaks than actual play-time. Basketball is quick, but there are still enough breaks to put in another game. Baseball is sooooo slow-moving. So, all in all, I love soccer! heheheehe
On a more serious note, a friend of mine just e-mailed me about her current medical health. She just recently found out she was pregnant, but the doctors told her that she could either have an ectopic pregnancy or that she may have already miscarried. She and her husband have already gotten the family size they wanted and weren't expecting to have any more. But, now that she could have another, she also doesn't want to miscarry. Then, there's the possibilty that she already miscarried! It's a mess that won't be remotely resolved until Monday when she has an ultrasound. I really feel bad for her, and there's nothing I can say or do to make her feel any better no matter which way it goes. :( Sorry to be a downer, but I just ask that everyone send positive thoughts her way. She's such a sweetie, and I'd hate for her to be hurt in any way, but it looks like it's going to be inevitable.