My first entry

Apr 16, 2004 08:22

Wow this thing is pretty cool!! There is just so much that has been going on in my life lately and so much stress! Planning a wedding and working and everything else is just so hard! I just need a week off to just relax in a far off destination in some nice weather were a cabana boy can bring me pina colada's all day long! But that won't be until september when i'm on my honeymoon in JAMAICA! I can't wait! But anyways. So i've been work like hella hours lately and its just like i have no time to do anything but sleep and then get up and do it all over again! I don't have the time to go to the gym and work out I have been working so much. And I'm getting so frustrated because i've been trying to loose this weight for the wedding and all the stress has just been holding me back. I mean i'm following my plan and i'm working out as much as possible and it just isn't coming off like I would hoped it would. Like I've been on my diet for 2 months now and I've lost 4 pounds! I mean come on!! That isn't realistic! I was to loose more and I want to get to my goal but the rate i'm going it just doesn't seem feasible at all! But i'm going to keep trying and maybe everything will start to turn around later! And I think I had my first nervous breakdown since starting to plan this wedding the other night. Me and nate were working on the guest lists for the ceremony and the shower and the numbers just kept climbing. We ended out with 240 people for the ceremony and 70 people for the shower! Its just wayyyyyyyyyyy too many people! And the only thing about it is that most of them are nates family and I feel really bad making him cut people because his family are all really close. Plus the wedding is going to be nationally televised, its over labor day weekend, and there hasn't been a big wedding in either of our family in years! Soo it gives both of our families plenty of reason to come! Which makes this even harder! But anyways....I'm going to go for now and try to take a walk before I have to get ready for work. Wow it feels good to vent!
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