well today is friday, i spent the whoollee bloody day in the science room it was pretty fun though, all morning with dana, and we decided to rent a whooleee bunch of movies next weekend and vedge in bed all day and watch them and eat chips, im excited. tonight i wanna just rent some movies and relax, not worry about entertaining anyone or anything, i feel bad turning down plans though. but we;ll see what the afternoon brings, maybe ill start to feel really social and then i will. today at lunch was fun, coleen bought me pizza but i didnt eat it hehe.. i gave it to alexa, and i had stir fry, i got afree pizza too because they didnt take my pizza slip BIG DAY AT KELSEY WHOOPPWHOOP. well i dont have much to say but i think i will download a whole bunch of music. ahh yeah i think tonight is going to be a just me and ... me night haha i will wither in my own self pitty that i have no social life anymore and that i am never invited anywhere
FEEL BAD FOR ME GUYS!!!!...random pictures?