So many things in so many days

Jul 09, 2009 00:21

I was roaming around facebook land when I came across a website link in someones profile. The link was to a blog where she had a list of things she wanted to accomplish in a certain amount of time. I thought it was a pretty neat idea, so I decided to do the same thing. It took me awhile to come up with my list. I thought it might give me (and Myles) more things to do. At the moment, I have more time to do whatever.

Food & Beverage
1. Go one month without eating fast food
2. Eat at five new restaurants
3. Try at least one new recipe a month
4. Create a new recipe (that taste good)
5. Go one month without drinking pop
6. Have smores
7. Make a gingerbread house
8. Go two weeks without eating out
9. Try five new foods
10. Learn to grill
11. Drink a glass of milk 25 times
12. Eat at a restaurant by myself
13. Do wine tasting
14. Eat fondue
15. Go hiking
16. Play in the rain
17. Catch lightning bugs
18. Go to a beach
19. Go fishing
20. Go sledding
21. Go someplace neat for a picnic
22. Watch a sunrise
23. Fly a kite
24. Pick wildflowers
25. Visit an apple orchard and pumpkin patch
Fun & Recreation
26. Visit two clubs of some sort
27. Go to an amusement park
28. Go to an out of state zoo
29. Have a girls night out
30. Go to three concerts
31. Go on an overnight, out of state trip
32. Go to a casino
33. Go rollerskating
34. Take dance lessons
Myles & Me
35. Have professional pictures taken together
36. Put together a photo album of the two of us with a minimum of thirty pictures (taken by the two of us)
37. Alphabetize his movies
38. Teach him how to ride a bike
For Me
39. Go through my clothes for the purpose of purging
40. Get a job I like
41. Get a mani/pedi
42. Buy a sexy outfit
43. Get all necessary doctor checkups
44. Learn how to successfully apply makeup
45. Take a bubble bath
Culture & Enlightenment
46. Read ten new books
47. Visit three museums
48. Discover ten new musicians that I like
49. Build a record collection
50. See a play or ballet, or hear a symphony or orchestra
51. Spend a day in the library
52. Finish at least one book that I’ve started writing
53. Make a piece of clothing
54. Finish ten greeting cards
55. Make stocking for Myles and me
Friends & Other people
56. Make contact with at least five friends I haven’t spoken/written to in over a month
57. Volunteer/participate in/at a cause
58. Get closure to an ended friendship
59. Do five random acts of kindness
60. Make a new friend
61. Buy someone flowers
62. Leave ten random, pleasant notes
63. Go to the drive-in
64. Watch ten random movies I’ve never heard of
65. See a movie in the park/outdoors
66. See five non-child movies in theater
67. Watch all my favorite movies in a week’s time
68. Watch a foreign film
69. Watch a silent film
70. Go to the IMAX
71. Go to a movie by myself
Health & Body
72. Work out for a full month
73. Run a mile in less than ten minutes
74. Reach goal weight of 112 pounds
75. Get toned
76. Pay off a debt in full
77. Save a dollar for every completed task
78. Take money from every paycheck and deposit it in Myles’ bank account
79. Write a letter to be mailed
80. Submit a postcard to PostSecret
81. Go five days (not necessarily consecutively) without television or computer activity
82. Get a pet
83. Buy a live plant
84. Throw a party
85. Do something adventurous
86. Pick up trash three times
87. Learn to play a game
88. Finish a crossword puzzle by myself
89. Visit Munster
90. Go past my first house as a child
91. Put a jigsaw puzzle together
92. Go to a sporting event
93. Donate blood
94. Go to a farmer's market
95. Have family over for dinner
96. Release a message in a bottle
97. Have a yard sale
98. Subscribe to a magazine
99. Go on a horse and carriage ride
100. Play a sport
101. Go to a casino
It'll be super awesome if I complete all the tasks. If not, well I don't know what it will be. The link to the blog page is in case any of you are interested in looking. On the page there's other information and indicators of how I'm progressing with the completion of the tasks.
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