I was roaming around facebook land when I came across a website link in someones profile. The link was to a blog where she had a list of things she wanted to accomplish in a certain amount of time. I thought it was a pretty neat idea, so I decided to do the same thing. It took me awhile to come up with my list. I thought it might give me (and Myles) more things to do. At the moment, I have more time to do whatever.
Food & Beverage
1. Go one month without eating fast food
2. Eat at five new restaurants
3. Try at least one new recipe a month
4. Create a new recipe (that taste good)
5. Go one month without drinking pop
6. Have smores
7. Make a gingerbread house
8. Go two weeks without eating out
9. Try five new foods
10. Learn to grill
11. Drink a glass of milk 25 times
12. Eat at a restaurant by myself
13. Do wine tasting
14. Eat fondue
15. Go hiking
16. Play in the rain
17. Catch lightning bugs
18. Go to a beach
19. Go fishing
20. Go sledding
21. Go someplace neat for a picnic
22. Watch a sunrise
23. Fly a kite
24. Pick wildflowers
25. Visit an apple orchard and pumpkin patch
Fun & Recreation
26. Visit two clubs of some sort
27. Go to an amusement park
28. Go to an out of state zoo
29. Have a girls night out
30. Go to three concerts
31. Go on an overnight, out of state trip
32. Go to a casino
33. Go rollerskating
34. Take dance lessons
Myles & Me
35. Have professional pictures taken together
36. Put together a photo album of the two of us with a minimum of thirty pictures (taken by the two of us)
37. Alphabetize his movies
38. Teach him how to ride a bike
For Me
39. Go through my clothes for the purpose of purging
40. Get a job I like
41. Get a mani/pedi
42. Buy a sexy outfit
43. Get all necessary doctor checkups
44. Learn how to successfully apply makeup
45. Take a bubble bath
Culture & Enlightenment
46. Read ten new books
47. Visit three museums
48. Discover ten new musicians that I like
49. Build a record collection
50. See a play or ballet, or hear a symphony or orchestra
51. Spend a day in the library
52. Finish at least one book that I’ve started writing
53. Make a piece of clothing
54. Finish ten greeting cards
55. Make stocking for Myles and me
Friends & Other people
56. Make contact with at least five friends I haven’t spoken/written to in over a month
57. Volunteer/participate in/at a cause
58. Get closure to an ended friendship
59. Do five random acts of kindness
60. Make a new friend
61. Buy someone flowers
62. Leave ten random, pleasant notes
63. Go to the drive-in
64. Watch ten random movies I’ve never heard of
65. See a movie in the park/outdoors
66. See five non-child movies in theater
67. Watch all my favorite movies in a week’s time
68. Watch a foreign film
69. Watch a silent film
70. Go to the IMAX
71. Go to a movie by myself
Health & Body
72. Work out for a full month
73. Run a mile in less than ten minutes
74. Reach goal weight of 112 pounds
75. Get toned
76. Pay off a debt in full
77. Save a dollar for every completed task
78. Take money from every paycheck and deposit it in Myles’ bank account
79. Write a letter to be mailed
80. Submit a postcard to PostSecret
81. Go five days (not necessarily consecutively) without television or computer activity
82. Get a pet
83. Buy a live plant
84. Throw a party
85. Do something adventurous
86. Pick up trash three times
87. Learn to play a game
88. Finish a crossword puzzle by myself
89. Visit Munster
90. Go past my first house as a child
91. Put a jigsaw puzzle together
92. Go to a sporting event
93. Donate blood
94. Go to a farmer's market
95. Have family over for dinner
96. Release a message in a bottle
97. Have a yard sale
98. Subscribe to a magazine
99. Go on a horse and carriage ride
100. Play a sport
101. Go to a casino
It'll be super awesome if I complete all the tasks. If not, well I don't know what it will be. The link to the blog page is
http://1o1thingsin1oo1days.blogspot.com/ in case any of you are interested in looking. On the page there's other information and indicators of how I'm progressing with the completion of the tasks.