I know this may be cheesy, but each year, I like to take stock of what I did in the preceding twelve months, and think of resolutions for the new year-more like aspirations: what I’d like to do, who I’d like to meet, the ideas I’d like to turn into books. Given that the end of 2012 is just two days away, I guess it’s time to get on that. But instead I’m thinking, Where did the time go? How are we already on the other side of Christmas, and about to ring in the new year?
Speaking of Christmas, it always makes me a little sad that the trees get to go up around Thanksgiving, and stay up until New Year’s, but menorahs are only displayed for eight days. I’m not saying I want the trees to go up later and come down earlier; I just want the menorahs to have the same amount of airplay.
I do love Christmas trees, and every year, I make sure to walk by this tree at least a couple of times. I always snap a picture.
That was the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree a week ago. I believe it’s about eighty feet tall-mighty impressive. (Though my friend Regan’s eight-year-old nephew said “I’ve seen bigger,” when I asked him what he thought of it.)
Here’s another picture I took last week, a gingerbread house you’ll only see in New York:
Oh, yes, that’s the cookie version of the crane that fell on 57th Street, during Hurricane Sandy, on display in the lobby of the Parker Meridien Hotel.
Actually, I’m not a gingerbread cookie kind of girl, but this morning when I was eating the last of the brownies from the third batch of brownies I’ve made in the past week, I got to thinking about how happy brownies make me. I went all year without making any. (I know; I can barely believe it myself!) Then last Monday I made them with my friend Lindsay’s kids (Lindsay’s rather brilliant idea). On Tuesday, I made them with Amy’s kids. Home on Wednesday, and brownie-less, I decided to make some just for myself. It’s been such a delicious week that my first resolution is: More Brownies in 2013! I also resolve to share them with friends.
On the book front, I’m setting a stricter writing schedule for myself, so I can finish the work I’m obligated to do, and have time left over for new ideas. (This resolution is giving me the distinct feeling of déjà vu.) The other day, I had an idea that I fell so in love with, that as I was driving out to Lindsay’s house on Long Island, I actually pulled off the road to take notes. Now I’m trying to remember exactly what I meant when I wrote: youth, boredom, she can’t go outside, orphans.
There are other resolutions: to volunteer, to travel, to read and write more, to be kind, to be generous, to more patient and less afraid (or maybe the same amount of afraid, but not let the fear hold me back so much, particularly when it comes to driving new places).
I’d resolve to update this blog more often, but I try to stick with resolutions that I’ll actually keep.
I’m going back to my list now, but I wish you all, and all your loved ones, a very happy, healthy New Year.
Love, Courtney