Mar 22, 2008 14:50
I can’t tear myself away from Facebook. This is problematic because today and tomorrow are my only writing days for the whole week. I have a book deadline, but I keep looking up people from first grade on Facebook. I check back to see if I have new friends. I just uploaded my very first photo album, and I wrote captions for each of the photos. A couple weeks ago I made myself stop playing Scrabulous. It was taking up way too much time. I love it so much, and I miss it terribly.
At least tomorrow is Easter, which means my favorite candy is in abundance in all the drug stores in New York. It is chocolate-y and delicious and it comes in all different colors, like M&M’s. I am speaking of course of Cadbury mini eggs. The kind that come in the purple bag (and not, I repeat, not the ones with the cream in the center). A couple years ago, I had a major Easter crisis. There were no Cadbury mini eggs to be found anywhere in Manhattan. I went into every Duane Reade and CVS I could find. I went to the Food Emporium and Bed, Bath & Beyond. Nothing! Nowhere! I am happy to report that this was not the case this year. I have a bag of mini eggs in my fridge. I like the way they taste chilled.
I am Jewish, and I have to say that one thing I really regret about my religion is our lack of holiday candy (in addition to the lack of fun songs and mascots). Sure, we have Chanukah gelt, which I love - but where are our Passover eggs in pretty colors? Matzah doesn’t really do the trick. My mom used to buy us the matzah covered in chocolate, but I wasn’t fooled. And finding the Afikomen at the Passover Seder just didn’t compare with an Easter egg hunt. (The Afikomen is, after all, just another piece of matzah.)
Despite all of this, Passover is my favorite holiday. It’s coming up in a few weeks, and this year the Seders are on the weekend, which means they are going to cut seriously into my writing time -- all the more reason for me to stop playing on Facebook. If I practiced lent, perhaps I would have given it up. But from what I understand, lent is over tomorrow anyway. Ah, me. I have Cadbury mini eggs to eat.