I'm at school right now...

Dec 02, 2003 10:06

Nothing can stop in this land of the pain.
The same lose not knowing they were part of the game.
And while the insides change, the block stays the same.
And the figure inside can bear anybody's name.
The memories I keep are from a time like then.
I put on my paper so I can come back to them.
One day I'm hoping to close my eyes and pretend,
that this crumpled up paper can be perfect again.

I don't have too much to say right now, I'm just waitign for Pizza Pizza to open so I can get some lunch before I go for my Astronomy lecture/ I hope everyone is doing well and having a stress-free time before we're all on Christmas holidays. Did I mention that today is my last day of classes? Oh I love my University vacations.
      Friday Steve and I went to YukYuk's. It was pretty cool, the first comedian that went on stage did a "Banana Monologue" he was so funny. On Satuday, Dad, Mom, Kim and I went to the Pickering Market and I bought a ton of cool stuff. We found a "Courtney" doll from 1988, that I owned when I was little (not the exact doll I had, but the same model etc...). I had work on Sunday, and as usual, it sucked. I had work yesterday and it still sucked. I have to go in and talk to my supervisor today, and i can assure you, that will suck too. I don't particularly want to go, and it's making me very nervous.
      I have a new headboard for my bed, and as soon as I can get my room clean, I'm goin g to set it up and rearrange my furniture. I also need to get some green curtains for my room and set up my new purple Christmas lights. Everything is supercool. Yeah, not really.
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