Well, isn't this pleasant...

Mar 27, 2003 18:32

I don't know what's worth fighting for,
or why I have to scream.
I don't know why I instigate,
and say what I don't mean.
I don't know how I got this way,
I know it's not alright.
So I'm breaking the habit,

This is fun. I would first like to point out in response to Cam's post, that I was not drunk, and perhaps if he hadn't spent most of the night making out with Laura, he would have known that. Secondly, sexist dominering bastards who make comments like Blair deserve far worse than a bloody nose. One day, a feminist bitch with far less self control than me will literally shave about 150 pounds off his fat ass. This woman will become my new heroine. And like I'm really tripping over myself to get the attention of Blair. Laura, if we believed that you could handle the truth without us having to pay dearly for giving it to you, we would. That's just the way the group runs. And finally on the topic of Julian's party, Julian told me that he has no problems with me, and that my being at his house was not an issue. Kimie was there when I asked. If Julian has a problem, he has to talk to me about it, but so far, he's set my mind at ease that there is no issue here. It seems to be your issue.
      Our branch manager is leaving tomorrow. I'm really kinda upset. Rob's a good guy, I'll miss him. I don't have to work tomorrow, and that's good. But I do work Sunday, but so does Steve, so that makes it ok. Besides, I'm done at 5 instead of 6, Domenica changed the schedule. Not much else is new at work. I start my animation flip book tomorrow, and that should be fun. Especially after the 4 pages of notes we took today (I hate note-taking). Well off I go to do something fun.
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