Jul 10, 2005 15:54
Friday night was the Danielle/Courtney/Cassie/Beth birthday party over Cassies. Cassie had hyped it up to be tons and tons of people there, but it was pretty much just the 4 of us, Cassie's brother and sister, my siblings + a Sarah Strom, and a handful of other people. I still had a good time and got to so see some people (Zati/Dave/Michelle) that I haven't seen in God knows how long. Everybody pretty much left and the 99 bananas that Beth and I had been drinking started to take its toll on my legs. My brain was operating in its normal drunken state (and by that I mean yes, I was drunk, but could still think and talk and what not..) but my legs..they were GONE. My brain wanted my legs to walk in a straight line but my legs wanted to walk themselves into every wall and piece of furniture they could find on their way up the stairs and to the bathroom.
99 bananas is dangerous. I will not drink that anymore. Yuck.
That's all I really have to say about that. Surprisingly enough, I didn't have a hangover like Marissa did the next morning. I was hungry and thirsty as hell, but that was about it.
Worked all day Saturday then went over Beth's house for some delicious birthday food. Then Cassie, Danielle, Beth, Marissa and I all headed to Paninis for Beth's birthday celebration. Only, there was hardly anyone there, no body really wanted to drink because of Friday night so it was pretty much a bust. Cassie and Danielle did make 'friends' with some guy named Ryan who worked at a nuclear power plant. Talk about random. They found the dorkiest looking guy on the dancefloor (Yes..he was STANDING on the dancefloor watching..wtf) walked up to him and apparently used the "Don't we know you from somewhere...oh...guess not.." line on him. I walked over in an attempt to save them from his dorky clutches, but it appeared that they were well away of what they were up to and liked it. So I walked away and left them to their..whatever.
I don't work until Wednesday night. Besides my class from 1-2 40, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself.
Who wants to be my friend?? :)