I'm gonna ditch my shite site that I have right now (made when I was pro-domming, and still has links for my computer class homework on there), and make a new one through Google.
Problem is, I've got too many choices as to what I can do. Even with the WYSIWYG format that Google has, I'm afraid I might end up with so much crap piled up, it will resemble a 12 year old girl's Myspace page.
One page would focus on my favorite pics from Flickr (can you embed something that would display certain multi-tagged pics, posting the most recent?), another page might have my LJ embedded in it, other pages being text-based (those are the easiest).
I want to do my thang on LJ, Flickr and other sites, and have my own site automatically reflect what I'm doing. Myspace and Tribe can do it
God, I'm lazy.
Found this cool thing on Flickr:
More of
MissCourtney's photos tagged with Favorite