Nov 06, 2005 18:45
So this weekend was alright. On friday Natalie came over and we went to Mr.Pita and then my mom drove us to Jimis. We went and played laser tag for Rachelles birthday. It was fun. I barley talked to Rachelle though. Me and Natalie played DDR i failed...literally. My name was pee and Pats was poo. It made me giggle! Me, Natalie and Mattlowery pinned this kid in a corner untill he ran away, he was shooting us like 50 times it was so annoying. I beat Pat by one point, thank you very much. Haha, yeah then we went to National coney island. It was fun we all got balloons. There was some freaky lady starring at us. I was drawing on Phills back and like she was smiling i was like kay im freaked out. Her and her friend seriously were eating so much too they had like 5 plates each. uh then we left. I fell asleep in Phill car. Yeah no whats weird is like i would never fall asleep in somones car unless were like on a long car ride because im always afraid were going to crash or somthing but for some reason i trust Phill enough to fall asleep in his car. I though that was pointful. Yeah then we went back to Jimis and yeah i got home at like 1 and went to bed. Then in the morning i had to go to my grandmas and then i went to Danielles and spent the night. Me, Danielle, Natalie, Pat, Phill, Jimi and DJ all watched stepmom. I love that movie. Yeah then we woke up and went to church then came home. Robert and Kyle came over for a little while it was cool. I miss them. I really need to get my life back on track. I feel like its so hectic and nothing is right. Somtimes i get this weird feeling and i dont feel like im really here. idk whatever. I really need to talk to a few people just to get some stuff out. But part of me doesnt want to. Yeah who knows. But other than that everything has been really good latley.