Prologue II
“Now old desire doth in his deathbed lie,
And young affection gapes to be his heir.”
Good morning, Upper East Siders. Early morning, that is. If you’re awake and checking Gossip Girl at this hour, then you know the drill; the Waldorf-Rose masquerade ball has, sadly, come to an end. But! Take heart, for I bear you good tidings of great gossip, direct from one of my most reliable sources: a vaguely sober attendee and their very crystal clear streaming video, linked below!
Word is, C crashed the party after dinner and quickly set his sights on our beloved Lady B, who is rumored to be entertaining a marriage proposal from British hunk, Lord Marcus Beaton. From what I’ve heard of a steamy kiss hidden behind a conveniently placed marble column, Lady B’s done entertaining boys and is ready to get down to business with a real man! One whose reputation, incidentally, dictates she should be avoiding at all costs...
I guess Lady B has layers we haven't even begun to peel away. And you know what they say about a bad girl masquerading as a good one... ;) You know I’m loving this! Here we thought C would never do anything to surprise us ever again, and he comes out swinging!
But is our Lady of Divine Solitude in way over her head, here? After all, C is known mostly for his activities after dark, a time we’ve heard B is usually safely tucked away in her ivory tower.
Is this just another one of his notorious bedpost conquests, or is C prepared to prescribe to a strictly enforced curfew and abstain from that one physical activity that doesn’t require the removal of his signature scarf? (We hear it was chilly.)
Happy fishing, Waldorf. Good luck catching yourself a Bass.
XOXO Gossip Girl
“But passion lends them power, time means, to meet,
Tempering extremities with extreme sweet.”