the short list of my trip to Norway (in no particular order)

Feb 26, 2008 02:11

aquired a new touque, ate good indian, finally understand what a fjord looks like, viking ships, hot showers, turbulance, cat naps and lie-ins, stargazing, moongazing, falling on ice.. lots, naked statues, frozen lakes, palace of a king, instant coffee, forskinsparken(haha), cactus flavored pastilles, blood, grumpy ryan, grumpy courtney, fishcakes, braun/fires, H&M, late nights, clone high, pouch tabaccoo, trams, mormons, the population of Chilliwack, laying in mud on hills, cat power, memphis minnie, Farts-dempere, carniferous trees, low clouds, arctic winds, and cross country skiers

i am ready to sprawl out in my own bed and sleep until late in the morning
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