Dec 14, 2005 12:22
YAAAAAY!!! I'm finished with exams!!! I had the most interesting morning leading up to my last final... I woke up kind of late, just because I didn't feel like getting all dolled up for school, and ended up leaving kind of late too, because I was wasting time checking MySpace and e-mails.
So I get to school already running late for my. final, and when I pulled into campus, I realized that I didn't have a ScanTron (is that what those things are called), and I would have to buy one. This is totally new to me, because in all my days of college, the professors have always provided the scan things, but now all of a sudden, it's up to ME to provide one. I haul ass over to the bookstore, completely flying over speed bumps, and not even paying attention to pedestrians. I run in there, leaving my car running, and find that my smallest bill to pay for a 16 cent slip of paper is a $20. So as the lady takes her sweet ass time counting my change back, I'm freaking out about being late for my exam. I finally get my change, shove it into my butterfly wristlet, and run as fast as I can back out to my car.
Once again, I'm flying over speed bumps and paying no attention to pedestrians. If you back up a little bit, you'll notice that I only mentioned grabbing my change, not my change and scantron. HOLY SHIT!!! Turn around, fly over speed bumps, run back into the bookstore, grab my scantron off the counter, run back out the the car, fly over some speed bumps, miss running over pedestrians, and make it to my exam about 20 minutes late.
It only took me about 15 minutes to complete the test, and I wasn't even the last person to finish, given my circumstances. Wow though... What a morning!