Feb 02, 2010 19:31
sometimes i just feel so gah! about everything.
im sick of people not telling me things. im sick of being called names by my own mother! im sick of having to do ALL the housework around the house! im sick of being called from the back of the house to the front because my mother wants a drink, even though my sister or dad are sitting in the same room as her! im sick of being under appreciated by my friends. im sick of being treated second rate because there is always someone who is better than me! im sick of not getting a job because on paper im awesome, but when they look at me they automatically give me 'that' look, the look that says 'no way' before i can even shake their hand to introduce myself.
im generally a pretty positive person, but right now im not feeling it! i just wanna pack up all my junk, and move to the middle of the outback. away from all this shit!
im just ranting because like me, my life sucks at the moment....
**im not saying all my friends under appreciate me, but like i said. im just feeling gah at the mo