(no subject)

May 19, 2009 21:07

wow. haven't posted for AGES!! been real busy with work.  im on 4 programs now, which are very time consuming.. and i miss all my LJ friends (hope your all still out there :D )

ive been so busy @ work, but im loving it! always something fun to do, and even the planning is fun.

oh and hey! yay for office pranks. if you have any good pranks let me know! its a pretty good time for office pranks, and a good way to boost morale (as all our pranks are fairly harmless.. except for that letter that was sent to another co-worker about being fired.. lmao)

whats everyone been up 2? if you think i have missed something on your LJ which is important, link me :) fics, art work, RL stuff. anything :)

<3 Cor-cor
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