01. I love The Beatles.*
02. I think Survivor could very well be the best show on television.
03. People think I'm lanky.
04. I think I'm smarter than most people I know.*
05. I love money. (i hate it)
06. I'm Jewish.
07. I love Seinfeld and still watch reruns. (cant stand it)
08. I can't draw.*
09. I've been to the biggest airshow in the world
10. I don't care about politics.
11. Gwen Stefani is mad, mad nifty.*
12. I cannot survive a day without music of some sort.*
13. I tend to dislike people for petty reasons and then end up considering otherwise.*
14. I'm in the middle of high school.*
15. Natalie Portman is too hot to be real.
16. I love Coldplay.*
17. Radiohead is also da bomb. (sure .. they're "da bomb")*
18. I am obsessed with Pirates of the Caribbean. ( what's not to be obsessed about? orlando bloom and johnny depp in the same movie? HECK YEAH !)*
19. I love watching bad movies.
20. I'm afraid of busy streets.
21. I actually like most of the people on my friends list.*
22. I /know/ Central Standard Time could kick all the other timezones' collective asses. (sure)*
23. I love my name. (it's too common)
24. Dancing is fun, but when I dance it looks like I'm having a seizure. (it's fun but idk if it looks like im having a seizure)
25. I want to help people when I grow up.*
26. I look like a jackass with my hair only half-grownout.*
27. I'm much more of a web designer than developer. (neither)
28. I'm a weird person.*
29. I need to improve my diet.*
30. I appreciate most of my family, but usually not when I'm with them.*
31. I think about college too much.*
32. Britney Spears should be shot in the face. (that would be mean)
33. I love vegetables.
34. I want to be fluent in Spanish.
35. I sleep too little.*
36. I can't stand and sometimes get irritated by the terms "blends" and "blinkies" and would rather they be called "collages" and "animated GIFs." (what?)
37. I hate having my picture taken.
38. I wish I was prettier. (dont waste your wishes on stuff that doesn't really matter)
39. I can't believe Clay Aiken has ever had sex. He seems like he could be my best guy friend. That's just wrong. (he had sex all of two times .. the first .. she was under the influence .. the second .. he was ryan seacrest)*
40. I love being weird. (sure)*
41. I only update my LJ when the spirit moves me.*
42. Scrubs is better than Friends.
43. Dave Matthews Band is really overrated. (not even .. they're my favorite)
44. I'm not sure how I feel about fame, but I want my life to eventually mean something. (shit i wanna be famous lol but i want it to mean something too*
45. I have a lot of communities on my friends list. And I'm sure I'll only be adding more.
46. I'm either an uber-bitch or too forgiving.
47. I want to go to Europe.*
48. I'm out of my house at 6:50-7:00 for school and I'm usually not home until 7:15-7:30.*
49. My towel is yellow.
50. I'm not very confident about my singing voice, but I never miss an opportunity to show it off. (the first part)
51. I sleep on my side.*
52. I am beyond addicted to looking at my friends page, even though I only read some of it.*
53. I'm not sure how I feel about high school.*
54. I do know that I want to go to college though.*
55. I hate most people at my school.
56. I'm tired of disappointments.*
57. I'm addicted to caffeine.*
58. I used to play piano. Then I quit. Now I want to start again.*
59. Relationships tend to get boring. Friends with benefits are much better. (heh heh .. )
60. Magazines bore me.
61. I have a fascination with techno music. Especially trance music. And creepy techno music.
62. I hate when people tell me to calm down when I am calm.*
63. My dog irritates the hell out of me. (sometimes)*
64. I had a friend and we used to say we were like sisters but I haven't spoken to her in forever.*
65. Beyoncé uses her music videos to show how hot she really is. And I like that song "Crazy in Love." (loved it until they overplayed it)
66. I can be lazy, impulsive, and indescisive.*
67. I stay up too late too much.*
68. I hate it when people around me are mad. Makes me mad.*
69. I hate giant roaches. They scare the bejeezus out of me.*
70. I love Harry Potter and friends!!!*
71. The only good thing about Victoria's Secret is the advertisements. (good undies)
72. I think girls are sexy.
73. I'm online a lot. I have no life.
74. I love reality shows.*
75. I'm refusing to get Photoshop.
76. I'm teaching myself how to play LotR songs on the trumpet.
77. People find me approachable initially, but then I become increasingly intimidating.
78. I suck at advice.
79. I try to be realistic, but then I get optimistic and that just gets bad. (soemtimes)*
80. I think Keira Knightly is really pretty.*
81. I want to have my dad on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and I'm sending in an application soon.
82. I hate clothes.
83. I think I think too much.*
84. Classic literature tends to suck.
85. I can memorize lines and songs, but have a horrible memory for everything else.*
86. Sushi is disgusting.*
87. I like waffles.*
88. True love seems kinda silly. It's just ridiculously good compatibility.
89. Slinkies are awesome.*
90. I've never seen Dirty Dancing, but everybody seems to love it. ( are you kidding me? i love it !! no body puts baby in a corner !!)
91. I love The Godfather.
92. I get waaay too curious sometimes.*
93. I'm a virgin.*
94. Jennifer Garner is hot. (she looks like a man)
95. I want to live in Manhattan, London, or just... somewhere else.*
96. My parents are mediocre.
97. The Ring was an awesome movie, except I was freaked out for seven days. (the 2nd part)
98. Having kids is not one of my major goals. (if it happens .. it happens. theres other stuff i wanna do first)*
99. I recommend that everyone learns a little bit of philosophy at at least one point in their lives.*
100. I like blue.*