Title: Suit & Tie Pairing: Nakamaru/Kame Genre: Slight humor I guess? Also smut. Rating: NC17 Summary: Nakamaru’s idea to go suit shopping with Kame didn’t go exactly the way he had intended. Note: Written for dearmykeysx !!
freaking kame always having 1) sex and 2) nakamaru on the mind bc OFC HE CAME PREPARED. i already told you this but kame is def the type to always carry lube on him bc "you just never know when you'll need it!!!" smh he is such a little suck with his ~everything looks good on maru~ and TOTALLY WATCHING SHUICHI FOR HIM EVERY WEEK I C U KAME but i can't even blame him
AND MARU, YOU POOR POOR THING. having to deal with kame and his spur of the moment ideas must be so hard... like he just wanted to buy new suits! but instead he got fucked. literally. altho i guess to some degree, he should've /known/ that kame would try something like this. bc why not.
just. ugh. UGH. @ THIS ENTIRE FIC!! i'm so sorry (but only like 2%, the other 98% is cackling and crying) that i encouraged you to write nakame having sex in a change room. go ahead and sign me the heck up for trash hell bc that's where i'm headed!!!
BUT I JUST WANT TO SAY THAT ILUSM FOR WRITING THIS THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! i'm sorry my comment isn't as great as i wanted it to be. ;;;; apparently my fingers and thoughts just ceased up bc i was!! so excited!! that you wrote this!!
ok i must leave so i can go cry over nakame some more
freaking kame always having 1) sex and 2) nakamaru on the mind bc OFC HE CAME PREPARED. i already told you this but kame is def the type to always carry lube on him bc "you just never know when you'll need it!!!" smh he is such a little suck with his ~everything looks good on maru~ and TOTALLY WATCHING SHUICHI FOR HIM EVERY WEEK I C U KAME but i can't even blame him
AND MARU, YOU POOR POOR THING. having to deal with kame and his spur of the moment ideas must be so hard... like he just wanted to buy new suits! but instead he got fucked. literally. altho i guess to some degree, he should've /known/ that kame would try something like this. bc why not.
just. ugh. UGH. @ THIS ENTIRE FIC!! i'm so sorry (but only like 2%, the other 98% is cackling and crying) that i encouraged you to write nakame having sex in a change room. go ahead and sign me the heck up for trash hell bc that's where i'm headed!!!
BUT I JUST WANT TO SAY THAT ILUSM FOR WRITING THIS THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! i'm sorry my comment isn't as great as i wanted it to be. ;;;; apparently my fingers and thoughts just ceased up bc i was!! so excited!! that you wrote this!!
ok i must leave so i can go cry over nakame some more
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