Apr 02, 2006 14:55
GROWTH was incredible. Indescribable.
Alicia is in a wheel chair and can't talk in anything more than one word at a time. She has difficulty moving and especially speaking. Yet, she tried SO hard to be a wing in the Monster game, she put all her strength into saying an I love you because for Janet, her Delegate assistant, and you should have seen her dance during the talent show. She has the most beautiful smile.
Cheryll has autism, and at the beginning she wouldnt talk to ANYONE. She was afraid of wearing and even HOLDING her fuzzy, and didn't want to participate. But she sang to the Backstreet Boys' songs at the Talent show, she even danced to the YMCA, and she almost cried when she had to leave.
Ryan only came for the beginning, and he was really angry and uninterested and sat in the corner by himself. He talks a lot when he is spoken to, but in confusing sentences. But he was "Rappin' Ryan" in the Name Game - and he rapped for a group of us in the cafeteria at lunch, and when he had to leave at 3, he wanted to stay and rapped goodbye and shook everyone's hand. He assured me that if he was ever at CK and saw me, he would say hi.
These delegates lives were changed. When they came in during fuzzy time and registration, they were uncomfortable and awkward and didn't want to talk or fuzzy or anything. But at the end, every single student that left was GLOWING. The looks on their faces when they met up with their parents and gave their delegate assistants or skillbuilders one last hug - indescribable. I will never experience anything like it.
Sam Durnford brought up a very valid point - it's like GROWTH pumps you full of wake-up pills and sleeping pills.
I couldn't describe this weekend if I tried. It's one of those things that you can try your hardest and talk for hours about it, but no one will ever fully understand exactly how incredible this experience was, unless they were there.
A delegate came up to a few of us after the Jeff's speech and said "You know what every person here has? Unlimited potential." I couldn't have said it better myself.
If you ever get a chance, do something like GROWTH. It's worth it.